Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1915?]



Care Frater


A bit of luck. The day after I wrote you last and too late, a checque for £50 came from my lawyer, he had managed to sell out that much (and to his own sister) and hopes to manage the rest in May. No loss, except a quarters interest to cover cost of transfer. I am sending £30 to Dennes to appease Clay and £10 to hold again against any fresh threat of disaster. I meant to send him the whole £50 but meanwhile you may be in an awkward position, if the deal has not come off yet. So I am sending you £10 and it seems worth while cabling the fact as it might happen to be opportune, and save the anxiety about Mater [Leila Waddell] and certainly is usable to obtain credit.


A photo of the first known 'edition' of the Tabula Smaradina should have reached you by the last mail or if not will come by this, direct from the photographer.


I am not in a writing mood and somewhat weary. Getting this letter ready to post tomorrow Friday 19th. I don't know what to do about shutting up the Studio [76 Fulham Road] waiting till I hear from Hobbs how things stand. I infer from your anxiety about the furniture that it will be some months at least yet before the final success comes. The Boleskine stuff has been checked and it's curious reading—broken, damaged, cracked, stained, no key, no hilt, no lid, useless etc to every other item. Mrs Leslie[1] is due you £8 odd for damages, less £2 for articles left behind. £6 is quite a windfall these times.


Nobody else has paid his dem subscription yet except the noble W Steff Langston  [William Steff-Langston], who deserves a Tin Cross. Poor man, he's afraid h'ed be thought an Imposter, if he met any other Brother, becos [sic] he doesn't know the S[igns] and p[ass] w[ord] of his Grade. I told him these were early fays and that some laxity was unavoidable till the Order was firmly established. I am beginning to think the desirable consummation is nearer that I used to imagine.


I hope all is going no unfavourably meantime with you and Mater. Good night, I am a-weary.


Ever yours fraternally.


F[iat] P[ax]



1—[Boleskine House was being rented to Dr William Murray Leslie M.D, C.M, FRCS (Edin) (1859-1951) for £250 per year so that the bank loan on the house could be paid. Dr Leslie was a Scottish physician and barrister and he attempted to treat Rose Kelly for her alcoholism.]


