Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





New York.



Jan 5th 1915.



Care Frater,


Your two letters of 29th inst. Do not be discouraged; go on slowly working. Things may clear up for you, or I may be able to come to Vancouver one day.


The fees you have collected should be forwarded to me, as although it is not possible to give the initiations corresponding until we meet, the seniority of members counts from the date of application, and this seniority is an important advantage when it comes to higher grades.


I am likely to be here for quite a long time, it now appears, so I think there need be no doubt that you will be able to take your own degrees properly, and get a charter. In the worst case, you shall have the rituals to the III° by special dispensation.


I wrote applauding vigorously your ritual of Isis: I suppose the letter crossed yours. It contained the expression of hopes that you would develop this line to the utmost. I feel certain that this is a good line with the people of this country.


I am afraid Part III of Book 4 [Magick in Theory and Practice] will be still further delayed. In England all appears to be chaos.


Please write to me often, now that it does not take so long for letters to reach, and ask me any doubtful points. But I am still looking forward to seeing you ere long.


Yours fraternally




