Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
New York.
Jan 26 1915.
Very Illustrious and Very Dear Brother
Yours letter of Jan 18th. . . . duly received.
. . . . these seven people can be members as from Jan 18th give them receipts accordingly, I am admitting you to our VII° as from Jan 1st. . . . . . But we cannot do the whole thing properly until we have a regular meeting and work together for a week or so.
Try very hard to make it Easter. As far as I can see at present, I shall still be here.
Yours in the bonds of the Order,
Care Frater,
With regard to the solar ritual remember the Rite of Sol in Eq[uinox] VI and "The Ship" in Eq[quinox] X. Bro White [Howard White] would be wise to consult Bro Dawson [Benjamin Dawson] with regard to these two rituals.
An ideal would be to stage "The Ship" as it is; for therein are concealed many secrets of True Magick.
Do not let this hamper Bro. White, though; but no rite of Sol can be good unless the 'crucifixion' takes place in it.
I have no measurement of the Stele of Revealing, but I think your measurements are not far wrong. I suppose you judge from the picture in Book 4 Part II
The question of Masonic relations and so on opens up an immense field. We really must arrange for you to have a long period of work with me.
The way will probably open up when you least expect it. Three months would not be too long. A viceroy ought to know everything.
But go on: collect the people and the money. I hope my rituals will arrive in a few days. I will send them on, and you can begin slowly to initiate.
Yours fraternally,