Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
c/o Miss Adams 1003 Carnegie Hall N.Y. City.
Aug 17 [1915]
C∴[are] F∴[rater]
I must indeed apologize for my delay. In this heat I have had to slave at other things. I am quite overworked.
In particular the war absorbs me. I am fighting tooth and nail against hysteria and against hate. Keep your mind clear and calm. What is bitterly needed by the world to-day is a class of men who refuse thereby to be ruled by material prejudice. Peace can never come until such men are in power. You must look at the world as a whole. Forget that you are Welsh; remember only that you are human-divine.
Yours of July 13. Your authority extends as far as your arms. Lengthen your arms.
Yours of July 11th. Go right-ahead. Any small details can be corrected later. You are quite right about position of Sq[uare] & C[ompas]s. You use the Sq & Cs as the altar, not a second set. Pillar tops are both white glass; there should be crystals in them. The Officers don't use pillars. Hangings of thrones as you will. I suggest blue. Carpet desirable; regular or pattern.
Feet in square
You had better get any books from me direct. 777 herewith $2.50. I can't get a Book 4 [Part I & Part II] at the moment.
All books recommended for A∴A∴ suit O.T.O.
Use any copy of Liber Legis. I should take the 3rd volume of Θελημα [the Holy Books] as you possess it.
Never mouth signs of W.M. We don't bother much.
Sign of 1˚ Thumb square with
Draw across throat, and drop squarely to side.
1. Sign of fidelity. Thumbs as before. Hand on heart.
2) 2. [illegible] Sign. As 1 but l[eft]. H[and]. Also square and arm as shown [refer to figure below]
1. Thumbs as before. Draw across breast, & drop as before.
([illegible] sign.)
All signs given when in proper step as shown on page 2.
The 3˚ signs are complex. 1. Horror. Avert head to right. Arms away at left with palms extended. 2. Sympathy]. Bow head, & stroke forehead thrice slowly with palm of r[ight]. H[and]. 3. Grief and distress.
2. Bow head, and wipe forehead slowly from right to left with thumb and forefinger, as if etc. 4. Penal. Thumb square on navel. Draw across and drop; then return thumb to navel.
5. Joy and Exaltation.
I think this covers all points. Now get busy; if any difficulties occur, write. But remember Pilate didn't wait for an answer: don't you.
Fraternally yours in The Bonds of the Order
[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O.
P.S. Please return green book by registered post.