Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley




P.O. Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Oct 24th. [1915]



The G..M.. Baphomet O.T.O.

San Francisco



Care Frater,


Herewith you will find the AA Exam Paper which I forgot to enclose in my last letter.


Your very interesting letter from Seattle to hand. I am glad you are not altogether disappointed with your visit to the Vancouver Lodge. You say I have Will, I must be on the look out for a Way, as far as I can see. Probably 'Where there's a Wand there's a Cup' would be a good proverb.


I will cultivate Bickers [Horace Sheridan-Bickers] and endeavour to produce Sons of the Widow. Bickers should be over to see us this afternoon and I will have a talk with him.


I rather suspected your reason for not putting up at the Headquarters, it is alright for a poor warrior armed only with a sword, but not by any means a bed of roses. We may have better accommodations on your next visit.


I have started to make notes on Liber A'Ash, have interested the good lady who owns the property, in the work, made two appointments to give people interviews, pulled in a new candidate for Tuesday, practised the III° with the Officers, Raised Bro Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] the III˚ and Obligated Bro Dawson [Benjamin Dawson] in L of P and IV°, since you left.


I have not the Grip or Token of IV, nor the arrangement of Square and Compass and V.S.I. etc. Bro. Dawson does not remember either. There will probably be many points with regard to this Degree before we can work it. We shall prepare as far as possible in the meanwhile.


I hope to hear from you soon.


Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order.


