Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett
O .T . O.
"Baynards" Innes Street, Observatory, Johannesburg, 23rd November, 1915.
Frank Bennett Esq The Truth Centre I.O.O.F. Temple Chambers, Elizabeth Street, SYDNEY N.S.W.
Dear Sir and Very Illustrious Brother,
In continuation of my letter of 10th ulto: I am now directed to forward to you (under separate cover) the following documents:—
1.—Your Lodge Charter. 2.—A Diploma VII° and Acting Viceroy for yourself. 3.—A Diploma VII° for Very Illustrious Soror Veni Cooper-Mathieson. 4.—One copy of Rituals 0° to III°. 5.—Two copies of Oath of Installed Master. 6.—One copy of Form of Application. 7.—One copy of Oath of Allegiance for Affiliates.
Re LODGE CHARTER I regret to say that we cannot charter you as a Sovereign Section until you have three Brethren of VIII° to form your Sovereign Grand Council which always constitutes the governing body of a National Section. Under the circumstances we are supplying you with a Charter for a Lodge attached to this National Section which will enable you to commence work, and the Lodge thus chartered can be transferred to your Viceroyalty at a later date. You will notice that the name of your Lodge has been left blank in the Charter. Please therefore fill it in and notify me accordingly.
Re Very Illustrious Soror Veni Cooper-Mathieson. I would point out that it will be necessary for Soror Veni to forward the Fee of Honour agreed upon. We have, however, at your request, conferred the VII° upon her without awaiting the completion of this formality.
Re OATH OF INSTALLED MASTER. Please have these completed and returned at once, retaining the copy for your guidance.
Re WORKING OF RITUAL. The Secrets of I° and II° are the same as those in Freemasonry and Co-Masonry.
The secrets of 0° and III° will be found on the fly-leaf (under separate cover) which must be destroyed.
Please note that you can affiliate Brethren from other Masonic Constitutions including Co-Masons subject to their taking an Oath of Allegiance (copy forwarded under separate cover) similar to that which you have already signed, recognizing this Order as the Supreme Authority in Freemasonry. In all other cases you should initiate candidates in the usual way.
We would advise you to secure the services of our Very Illustrious Brother E. W. T. Dunn as soon as possible by getting him to sign the Oath of Allegiance and forwarding same to me together with his Fee. This will enable you to declare yourselves a Sovereign Grand Council and a National Section. Until this is done you cannot charter Lodges as these MUST be issued under the authority of a Sovereign Grand Council.
We would advise you to secure two or three affiliations from other Masonic Bodies to enable you to Officer your first Lodge.
The SOVEREIGN GRAND MASTER AND HIS COUNCIL extend you fraternal greetings and best wishes for the success of your labours.
L. B. YARDLEY S.G.S.G. Union of Sth. Africa.