Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 24. 1915.
Bro. Crowley. 1˚ O.T.O. c/o Fifth Ave. Bank. New York.
Care Frater,
It is about time I wrote a few lines, but I have been expecting a letter from you, which has not arrived. I wrote you at Chicago, also a short note to N.Y., but fear the first letter must have missed you, and been forwarded.
We are evidently having a period of delay. I have no answers from S.[an] F.[rancisco], Wagner, or Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], as yet. I think you might drop a line to Bro. Wagner, I may not have said just the right thing in my letter, or of course there may be other reasons for the delay.
Last night we expected a Candidate, but through misunderstanding of one kind and another, he did not arrive; I hope he will have better fortune next week.
There are one or two things I want to ask you. In case you did not get my other letter, what is the Knock for L of P.? I also need the words of the Oath of IV°. I will type out copies of IV˚ as soon as possible, so that you may check them.
I should like to credit Bro. Dawsons [Benjamin Dawson] account with the value of the Glasses. How much shall I count them as? Bro. Bickers [Horace Sheridan-Bickers] has not sent in his fees yet, so cannot forward them as promised.
I send you my rough working of Liber AASH, on the Lines suggested. I notice that a treatise on Qabalah comes in Grade of 3=8 Exam from 4=7. Will you instruct me as to the necessary steps and work I must do in order to pass to grade of Practicus. I really want to get ahead with my A∴A∴ work, and must not neglect it entirely for O.T.O.
I have carried out four practices with Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] as the patient; for one thing this seems to have put my family relationship with her into much better shape. I have recorded details in record but there is nothing of a very striking nature so far.
Should one have some definite object or result in view at these times?
What shall I do about copies of Liber LXV, when White [Howard White], or I have done but little A∴A∴ work. A couple of Astral Journeys, and a little work on Liber A'Ash. Shall hope to get more time soon.
Please give me the Knock of L of P. and IV˚.
I must tell you rather a strange co-incidence and a little joke. I gave the wife 50 drops Anhalim [Anhalonium Lewinii], as she was suffering from toothache and nerves. She says she was awakened in the night and I appeared at her bedside dressed in white with purple sash studded with white crosses, and remained there gazing at her for some time. The same night Sister Skidmore [Catherine Skidmore] reports that I appeared to her, dressed in white, and proceeded to kiss her very thoroughly. (She did not tell me this). She apparently thought this some sort of Initiation and complained in her dream, or vision, that I was not expounding the full meaning to her. She woke up saying "I don't understand this at all" Her husband who was in his rightful place beside her, remarked "I'm d….d if I do either."
I trust Sister H.[ilarion - Jeanne Foster] will find time to tell me more about the Sunlight. I look forward to that letter. Please salute her, and tell her so.
I will write again soon, and shall hope to have some news either from Portland or S.F.
I am sorry you are getting further away, it takes letters longer to reach, and I have had such pleasure in hearing from you so frequently.
With every good wish,
Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order,