Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Nov 28. 1915.
The Grand Master Baphomet X° O.T.O.
M∴[ost] I∴[llustrious] and Very Dear Brother.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Yours of the 21 Oct inst was very welcome.
I am sorry that things have been so intoward and trust that they have by now taken a good turn again. The arrival of your letter [illegible] in a little better frame of mind—we had also had a depressing period.
I shall look forward to the other half of that letter from Soror H.[ilarion - Jeanne Foster]—when she has time to write.
I have heard from Mrs. Beane, but she says that as she did not attend the Meeting at Palace Hotel she is not in a position to do anything for the moment—she hopes I shall call on her when I get to Frisco.—The others have not written you—I am afraid the chances of working are looking rather slight for the moment unless there is a means of bucking them up and arranging for us to get down there to start work forming the Lodge.
I note all you say about 'patents' and the Work on connection with them. I can see the value of your advice about 'dreams' as a matter of fact I had a sort of warning beforehand as R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] dreamed she found me with another woman in a common room adjoining the Lodge and it looked too much like a prophecy to need any encouragement—I saw that I should have to be careful of these things.
I observe what you say about IX° and am glad to hear it—I don't want a Degree that I have not earned and that I am not master of to a certain extent at any rate. I will record any experiments as carefully as possible—I shall probably be able to do so better when I am more sure of just what I am aiming at and the type of results to expect. The question of 'patent' is rather in [illegible] luck so far. I quite understand that social considerations should be put aside in a case like this—because the matter is of [illegible] importance. I have as a matter of fact been [illegible] 'time' to my wife ever since I have been in this Country—because I preferred to be so. The result is that more of my actions have been performed in [illegible]. used very little of my spare time except for Lodge work and an occasional [illegible]. Now in order to get into touch with suitable [illegible] and have time for the remaining 'operations'. I shall, as far as I can see, have to alter my manner of life to some extent and this will not be easy without causing suspicion—which if allowed to arise may impact things a good deal. It was for this reason that I have carried out these few practices. I have done a few with R.S.J.—but in this case I find difficulty in explaining the desire to spend such a long time over the act—when for some time past there has been little of that kind of thing between us—something for [illegible] long persists. I shall do the best I can under the constraints—but I expect my first records will be of little importance. I think probably if I can get to Frisco it may open up better opportunities and that for one reason is why I hope something will turn up in that direction. The only other thing I can think of is that the semen might be stored up for a long time during a number of [illegible] and then when [illegible] when one does something long in the [illegible] as it says in Liber A'ash. Enough of the matter for the present anyway.
I enclose $2.50 for the 777. I ordered as one of the members paid me for it last night—I expect I shall receive it in a day or so though you did not mention it:—
I have not heard from Blau [Joel Blau]. If your surmise is correct he will no doubt find out for himself should he ever attempt to eat his tail.
I hope the paper came through all right—I had to divide the packet as it was too heavy for parcel post.
Wish every good work.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally in the Bonds of the Order.
P.S. Shall be glad to have promised changes, and will do all I can when I get them.