Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



[Undated: circa 1916?]



Care Frater.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Are you razzle dazzled by my official paper? Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond] has sent, what he says is the final plate. (proof enclosed) and promises a pull of the first chapter this or next week. Possibly the progress we are now making has stimulated him. By the way the extra copy you mentioned has never reached me.


I enclose a letter from M. [Mary Davies] you will observe that there is no diminution of the reluctance of the older members to come forward. I have my suspicions as to the reason in some instances, and who shall blame them? S. L.'s [William Steff-Langston] letter—I wanted to get at the stage he has arrived at in Knowledge, and as you see he is not yet prepared for enlightenment. I won't be in a hurry. He is coming to stay a week here in the course of this month, and I shall be able to direct his as to what to specially reflect on in the course of his reading—and let him come gradually to comprehension.


I thought it might be that Althea [Althea Hobbs] should be admitted to membership, she has been most loyal and has done good service. From her latest letter I infer that she is now a Brother.


The note signed W.G. Nairne [?] may be interesting. It would be better no doubt to reserve such till you emerge from the G.M.R. [Great Magical Retirement] but it is sent in case of need. I'm very busy and am writing this in the morning. No letter from you by this morning's mail.


All good wishes.




F[iat] P[ax]


