Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
Jan. 23rd 1916 E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I now send you a copy of the Minerval Degree and the Instructions about the New Law. I think this completes what you asked for.
Bro. Dawson [Benjamin Dawson], our new R.W.M. [Right Worshipful Master], has suddenly joined the army, this makes it necessary for me to find another to fill that office. There are very few to chose from and the matter needs some careful thought.
I am feeling a good deal better in health, and shall return to the office to-morrow. Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] is pretty sick and things are rather depressing.
I have no trace of the other part of the Secret, as far as I know, as I am at a loss to know what kind of a needle I am searching for in the haystack, or even if it is a needle; it may be a tin-tack or a button.
I heard from Mrs. Beane again, the other day. She days she is giving up all study, on account of her health, and returned the Manifesto I sent her. I am afraid there is little chance of her corresponding on Magick, but she says she would like me to call and see her if she is still in the City when I am in S.[an] F.[rancisco]. Blair has not answered my second letter, has never answered at all, I don't know what to make of him.
Do the set of Rituals you require, indicate that you have another branch starting?
NOTES. I shall endeavour to show that the following Sacred Books, in addition to Liber 370, are liable to grave misinterpretation should they fall into the hands of those of our enemies, who, entirely ignorant of the True teachings, are ever desirous of turning every symbolic thing to their own vile ends.
Energised Enthusiasm, Liber 66, Liber 333 [Book of Lies], Liber Legis, the Supreme Ritual etc. etc.
Energised Enthusiasm. In this book we have the method of attaining divine consciousness by means of the greater understanding and performance of the sexual act.
"The spiritual flower of this process is that at the moment of discharge a physical ecstasy occurs, a spasm analogous to the mental spasm which meditation gives. And further, to the sacramental and ceremonial use of the sexual act, the divine consciousness may be sustained"
The act being sacred, should only be performed under certain conditions. This seems to imply that after taking an oath of chastity, the act may be performed, but only for some definite purpose, never idly.
Music = Rhythm plus tone or pitch Dancing = Rhythm plus Sex Sex = Rhythm plus Intoxication of soul, or Wine.
Three methods are mentioned, and by the use of these three methods in one, the whole being of man may thus be stimulated" It remains however for him to make the final transmutation.
Rhythm, seems to be an essential part of the process, and I feel sure there must be some method of producing the proper tone or pitch, to bring the celebrant into line with the higher vibration desired.
Now does the actual use of music and wine assist in this. Would the drinking of a small quantity of wine, elixir, or drug—by one or both celebrants—before performing the act, be of help. Likewise would unseen music be a good thing, or, should the act itself be performed to a certain rhythm, such as a mantra. In the latter case, this book says the "movements were quite unexpected" and would seem to imply a mantra like I.A.O. or some other short and definite words.
Again, there are two questions to consider.
(1) When both Celebrants are aware of the true purpose of the act. (2) When one understands this and the other does not.
The former is undoubtedly the ideal, and is that referred to in E.[nergised] E.[nthusiasm] likewise Liber CC, and the Supreme Ritual.
In the other case it would seem that the act may be performed in order to produce certain of the lesser results, but it may not be possible to get the full spiritual results. This remains to be seen.
I am inclined to think that the sensations described in this book as those of the onlooker, may really detail those of one of the Celebrant.
At the beginning, mention is made of the Name which the Companions of the R.[oyal] A.[rch] blaspheme. Is this the Word of IV°.
What position does the Priestess assume during the Celebration?
In chastising many with one rod, what are the possibilities of ordinary pregnancy. Does the end in view alter this?
There is now the question of "blood" In Magick, blood is used to obtain materialization. I have noticed certain references that imply that blood is a factor in the question under discussion. That would be the result of undertaking this during a Luna period
". . . beneath this blasted Oak and bare.
That rears its agony above the flood. . . . etc" Bortsch Liber 333.
"Oh beautiful flag of the moon. . . . . . . . Liber VII
My "ruddy" clouds in Liber 370.
If the Ruby Star have shed its blood . . . . . Liber 66
Liber 66. I cannot make very much out of this book, so far.
Apep. Does this mean Kundalini, or perhaps Hadit
Fair Altar = female Celebrant.
At the head of the altar gold, and twin images in green of the Master.
? Hair of Celebrant, and reflection of the Master, in her eyes.
Green wine. Green is Venus. Wine of love.
At the foot the S.R. Does this refer to position of celebrant.
Altar entirely b..e [bare] This is not clear.
Rituals of Star and Seal. Pentagram and Hexagram (as revised?)
Five wounds. . . . possible stigmata, but can get no clear ideas.
Comfort the secret stone with warm blood. Does this imply what I previously surmised? Watchers. (?I Elementals ?)
(39) What does this mean. The altar would now seem to be male. Does this constitute the difference in position between IAO and OAI operation
Supreme Ritual. I think I understand most of this, as regards missing words. Evidently both Celebrants need to be initiates.
The following points are not clear to me.
Robes etc as same in . . . . . . . (Liber Legis?)
Sign of Babe of Abyss and of Baphomet, and Mea Tu, also sigil of N.O.X. These especially Baphomet and N.O.X. are referred to in Liber 333, and would doubtless be useful. With regard to N.O.X., I noticed a rather interesting analogy from shape of letters viz:—they give the figure of Baphomet, as shown in Levi [Eliphas Levi]. N = ascending and descending arms, O = the body, and X the crossed legs)
Ritual of S. . . . of R. . . The first word may be Shake, but cannot get the other.
IX° Does I - Male˚ = female and X Begetting.
Liber 333. Sabbath of Goat. Implies the possibility of killing out lower self by the proper performance of act.
Steeped Horsehair.
Again refers to "I" that must be got rid of.
Charioting possibly refers to act.
Gun Barrell.
Implies that in becoming the Vessel of agent of the secret force, the ego is forgotten.
Dew Drops.
I want a clear understanding of this. Does this imply the Buddhist doctrine that only the Karma of the man passes over at death. This mystery is evidently that of III° and The Ship. If the Real is in the seed, what becomes of that force in the seed at death. Are we conscious on account of the presence of the essence in semen.?
Mulbery Tops.
Does this refer to the idea I mentioned earlier in paper? Was this a connection with wheels and wounds of Liber 66?
Star Ruby.
I wish I had a translation of this. N.O.X. signs needed again I notice.
Star Sapphire.
I rather think this contains another secret Ritual, similar to those under discussion.
Likewise 69, and I am not at all certain that Gold Bricks does not imply something a good deal deeper than appears on the surface. In connection with these one might study Liber 66 which mentions invoking by the Yod and the Pe. Pe = Mouth.
I was told that Liber Legis Ch I V 51 amounts to plain instruction in a certain matter. The last sentence seems clear, but the other part is dark so far. Four Gates. Does this mean Labia majura, Labia minora, vagina and uterus?
I noticed a couple of interesting Alchemical Symbols the other day.
(1) = a Crucible Does this account for the Masonic Apron.
(2) = Vitriol Where can one look up about Alchemical Vitriol?
With regard to the Symbol on Paper of Order.
Does this mean that the Body of Our Lady Nuit containeth the Creator Our Father and that His Holy Spirit decendeth upon the Union of the Heart and the Cup, the Rose and the Cross, and giveth vital flame?