Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




O .T . O.





Innes Street


Johannesburg, 21st March 1916



Frank Bennett Esq

C/o Brazilian Consulate General

for the Commonwealth of Australia

3 Spring Street





Dear Sir and Very Illustrious Brother,


Your letter of 27th February to hand for which I thank you.


1.—re Soror Mathieson [Veni Cooper-Mathieson]. As already stated, we leave this matter entirely to Very Illustrious Brother Dunn [Ernest Dunn] and yourself. I enclose an Official Receipt which please hand to her.


2.—re Section Charter. Now that you have completed your GRAND COUNCIL, the S[overeign].G[rand].M[aster]. is in a position to give you a Section Charter. This will be forwarded as soon as ready. You can, however, go right ahead with the chartering of Lodges, etc. so as to avoid delay. You are now a NATIONAL GRAND COUNCIL and Very Illustrious Brother Dunn should take the Title of National Grand Master General. You should take the Title of National Grand Secretary General.


3.—re Very Illustrious Brother Dunn. I am forwarding under separate cover a Patent proclaiming Very Illustrious Brother Dunn, VII°, O.T.O., and acting Viceroy for Australia under the hand and Seal of the Very Honoured Brother Sir J. T. Windram [James T. Windram] (Mercurius ). This provides him with all necessary powers. The question of higher Degrees is being referred to the GRAND MASTER BAPHOMET. He may decide to deal direct with Very Illustrious Brother Dunn, if not the Very Honoured Brother Sir J. T. Windram will communicate in due course on this subject.


4.—re Lodge Charter. You need not worry about this as the Section Charter will replace same and you will of course charter your own local Lodges.


5.—re Name of Lodge. We have no objection to the name selected for the Lodge, but the S.G.M.G. suggests that Very Illustrious Brother Dunn selects some other name for his Magical Title. These names are generally selected from Mythical Leaders or Alchemical and Hermetic principles.


6.—re Joseph Cooper. In the separate cover I also enclose a Diploma for Very Illustrious Brother Cooper together with an Official Receipt for his Fee of Honour.


7.—re Rituals. I am directed to inform you that the GRAND MASTER BAPHOMET has notified his intention of issuing an Official Ritual which will replace all those at present in use. You should therefore hesitate to print the one forwarded for the time being. You will also be good enough to substitute the Hiramic Legend for that of the Osirian in the III°.


You will please note that all Brethren of the VII° are required to use the Elevenfold Cross before their names as at foot hereof. We note that you have stood aside in favour of Very Illustrious Brother Dunn, and must express our approval of your unselfish action which speaks well for the future of the Order in Australia.


By the order of the


For the Union of South Africa


L.B. Yardley



Union of South Africa.


