Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



March 27th. 1916 E.V.


Sun in Aries



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


Your letter of 14th inst., also 777, to hand, for which many thanks.


Re Lodge. I am sorry to say that there is really very little good news to report; we are having a hard struggle and the outcome is not yet certain. The trouble seems to be, to a great extent, lack of funds, and in some cases, I fear, lack of interest. As a matter of fact, I think only about Six Dollars has been paid on this year's fees so far, and the prospects don't seem very cheerful. Candidates are not forthcoming either.


The faithful few are doing all they can to overcome these bad conditions. White [Howard White] is taking up in Lodge the study of Levi's [Eliphas Levi] D & R [Dogma and Ritual of Magic]. I have just started a series of Classes on Friday evenings for the study and practise of the Eastern Methods, while others are getting up part of one of Bernard Shaw's Plays with the idea of producing it in the Lodge Room and following it with another Social Dance. We are also intending to revive the Rite of Isis, in a revised form. I wish we had a really good Solar Ritual to go with it.


These activities must tell in time, if we stick at it.


Re my special work. I am determined to earn that Degree, and am not slow on account of interest. I doubt if you can be more anxious to discuss things than I am. On the other hand I have beaten about the bush so long that I don't feel I ought to worry you more than I can help, till I feel some interior certainty.
In my search for the "plain instruction" you refer to, I have at any rate come across a great many interesting things that seem to hint very strongly at the secret. Particularly have I been drawn towards Levi; both your translation of the Key of the Mysteries, and some parts of the D. & R of Magic. In particular have I found the alchemical references of great interest, but it would take too long to write down all the points I have noticed.


I think Observation, Initiation and Imagination have a lot to do with it. The use of the Astral light is evidently a very important thing, and as far as I can see, one must become a centre of attraction so that the desired thing comes to you naturally without thought or worry. I am pondering over "the elevation of the dry substance by means of fire, with adherence to its proper vessel" . . . . . (Some hours have passed since I wrote this last linen and I have once more mentally gone over every possible combination of this problem without arriving at any satisfactory conclusion).


It's no good, I can think of all kinds of schemes, possible the right one is among them, but God alone knows which it is. Whatever you write in reply, please don't remind me that there is "plain instruction somewhere" . . . . .


Changing the topic from theory to practice. My notes about the Lodge were written on 15th inst. In the afternoon I tried a practice, it was apparently short, and bad, but what there was of it was for the Lodge. In the evening I went over to a rehearsal, and found Bickers [Horace Sheridan-Bickers] had suddenly got two new Candidates for next Tuesday, and there has been quite a flow of energy in Br[ethre]n since.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours, in the Bonds of the Order.


