Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
[Undated: Possibly April 1916]
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
But is isn't any good about Craigmillar. There appears to be a strong opinion about that Morningside is the fitting and appointed residence of the g[rand] T[reasurer] G[eneral]. It's rather amusing the way different people take the Message [Message of the Master Therion]. Most only see me, I suppose, as a pathetic victim of the latest freak religion. However K does not feel so b[ig] a f[ool] as he looks.
The enclosed letters from the good Mary [Mary Davies] should rejoice you, as showing that one at least is really trying to do something. I wondered if Mrs D could do anything to help in finding a small house to store the things in in an easily accessible way, and which we could use as an office and for occasional meetings. The Regent St idea is good, you'll say it's too respectable but a good address does have its value for the crowd and would attract a good class. I can't be responsible for £40 a year (everything included it would take £60) unless the London people guarantee most of that sum. Haven't heard so far. Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond] is rather hopeless, a stamped envelope for reply hasn't extracted any information from him. It's possibly his eyesight that's the trouble.
The good Steff Langston [William Steff-Langston] and Mary are the only two who have sent for copies of the Message. Only one of the miscellaneous crowd I've written to had responded at all, and then merely to say she "didn't know any one to send the leaflet to" and didn't want any. It was obviously a case of hard-up-ness however. I've covered all the crowd I have the addresses of with the exception of two who (I hope are interested) and the Swiss members.
I remembered of Mary d'Este-Sturges but have no note of her address. I haven't heard from you by this mail, but it may come when I get home, too late for reply thought. I expect you'll tell me of people you specially want it sent to, but, no, that would be information and information appears to be agin the Law of Thelema. (One for me.)
Kvnidion ( ? = Cowie.) as usual read your last letter first standing on its head, then on its tail but even both methods combined failed to extract any real information. However I've sent on the masterpiece of Diplomacy to Dennes and Lamb, with the careless remark that I've had great sympathy with A.C. in the difficulties the was has caused, have helped him to the limits of my ability, that (the wicked) A.C. is heavily in my debt, but that as I am aware of his prospects in the immediate future, I am not turning a damn hair. Or words to that effect. Was it the blackmailing thieves put them on? Then its me that is a true prophet.
Times up, some matters of interest, but no great importance, crowded out but this interesting serial will be continued in our next.
F[iat] P[ax]
10 Dollars belonging to M.O.H. [Mother of Heaven—Leila Waddell] enclosed as per promise.