Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



April 22nd 1916 E.V.


Sun in Taurus



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!


I have rather delayed writing this letter as I have been expecting to hear from you in answer to my last two, but conclude you are very busy, or have been away.


In mine of March 30th, I told you I was feeling rather strangely, and asked if you would explain it. The crises came on April 1st, when a particularly bitter and unexpected revelation was made to me. I am glad to say I was able to take the whole matter without wincing, and to practically wipe it out of mind within three days. It is worth noting that a similar trial came along on April 1st of the previous year, viz: one day before my birthday.


I have been thinking with regard to the AA, that the only Goal to aspire to is that of M.T. [Magister Templi], although I realize that in affirming this aspiration I may be taking on what one may term a 'tall order'. Whether I succeed or not matters little for the moment, but will you tell me briefly what practices will be of most value under the circumstances.


I took a Vow of Holy Silence at 11-40 last Thursday night to continue till Midnight next Sunday. Last Night's Yoga Class therefore took more the form of practical demonstration. It was an interesting experience.


With regard to special O.T.O. work, my record shows 20 experiments. You said I should forward it after 21. As you are aware all mail is censored on account of the war; I do not like the idea of placing the secrets of our Holy Order before the eyes of the profane, and therefore await your instructions before doing so.


Brother Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] has sent a few copies of the "Message" [Message of the Master Therion], I understand you have the plates. Will you please let me know the cost of electrotypes, should we need to print our own supplies. He also mentioned a 'pastoral' letter and said he expected you would send us a copy.


I forwarded Bro. Smiths [Wilfred Talbot Smith] Pledge form to him with 5, as had no copies of Liber LXV here.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order.


