Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver B.C.
Care Frater
Do what thou
Yours of 8th mail re Symbol is very refreshing.
I cannot say that is gave me such an impression of evil. I am of course not in the same position to judge.
Looked at from that point of view, the fact that it distorts the symbols of both God and Man may have a good deal to do with the impression. I of course realized this [illegible] but thought that the somewhat massive combination might offset this, also I have seen the symbol a Pentagram in the Equinox—the sides of which are not of equal length, and concluded it was permissible in some instances. The point re direction of lines is a probably more serious defect, which I failed to recognise that you pointed it out.
The end form of Hexagram you draw has this point of interest that it is a sort of monogram of the letters N.O.X.
I see however by your letter that one must not be led any by [illegible].