Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley
14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.
22 June. [1916]
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Some good news this time, I heard through Hobbs that the landlord at Regent Str[eet] has offered the rooms at the nominal rate of £30, no rates or taxes. This very reasonable sum ought to be easily within the compass of the London people. So I wrote to Mary [Mary Davies] at once and advised her to take the rooms at once, as I was sure the rent could be managed. I said I was feeling rather ashamed when I got letters from South Africa etc that we were doing nothing and that the only reason seemed to be that I was up to the hilt already, as regards both time and money. So I've heard from her this morning June 22 (to appease your appetite for dates). She's a brick, went and took the rooms, like a shot (in spite of the fears of Bro Davies) and all I have to do is to arrange with Hobbs what to take out of store and what leave. I'll do so this weekend but I had said that the whole furnishings of the Inner Temple are not to be touched not any of your personal belongings. I'll take away however as much publication stock as the Regent Str place will accommodate and this should greatly reduce, I hope the charges.
Mary has taken a weight off my mind as we are making a real start at last. She is coming to stay with me 3 days on Monday week and we'll be able to talk everything over. She's never been in Edinburgh before and I fancy I'll be able to make things pleasant for her. She certainly deserves it. W Steff Langston [William Steff-Langston] is going to be a valuable help too.
Hammond [Benjamin Charles Hammond]. Not a word yet. No proofs, no nothing, no proof that the Botcher has botched anything whatever for (now) £15.
By the way I have in my house a pile of waste paper purporting to be the Collected Works of one Aleister Crowley. Ever hear of him?
Did Mary mention a Dr Newton I think who was to call on you? He thinks Dead Waite [Arthur Edward Waite] is the greatest living authority on Freemasonry. M[ary] gently advised him otherwise. Last sheet of paper, last scrap of time so
F[iat] P[ax].