Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones




The Adams Cottage

Near Bristol

N.[ew] H.[ampshire]




[23 June 1916]



Care Frater—


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have just had your telegram. Do you claim the grade 8º=3o as the signature might imply? If so, thrice welcome. I think I told you anyone could claim it who wished, but of course came under the laws of the grade, so that if he were unequal to it. — — —


I shall hope for a letter within a week, giving more detail.


I propose to be here till the end of August, anyhow. Then, either I stay in retirement, making a canoe trip down the Mississippi to New Orleans and wintering in Cuba, or if the B[lessed] B[rethren] in S. Africa and Australia arrange for it, making a world-tour and so back to beloved Montparnasse D.V. In this case I should go to Australia via Vancouver.


But who knows? I have just finished one more weary stage of my 9º=2o, the stage of the Monkey-Officer, a Green-Clad One. It was exciting while it lasted, I hope I extricated myself with decency. But I feel very bad about it all; as if I should only just scrape through, and that by God shutting both eyes tight—and working with His Third Eye!


You see, I can't get anything in proportion yet. However, I seem booked for a month or two solitude and silence; this ought to give me some perspective. But who knows what may yet be in store for me?


I am really very anxious to hear your news. Hope the Lodge is bucking up a bit. Windram [James Windram] is doing very well in S. Africa, and Australia seems a really first-rate success. But what we all need is funds.


By the way, you never told me about your shock—tragedy—great: relief, whatever it was.


Hope you'll get a first-rate partner for IX° right away. Work for your own magick power first, I think, so as to start a big current going. Then you'll find other things coming quick and fast, one after the other. Remember, you have really a good start on me; so I shall expect a lot.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order




