Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones





The Adams Cottage





[Undated: circa early July 1916]



Care Frater, VH VI VI and V.D. Bro,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The man that took my last letter to you brought yours and an unintelligible telegram “Operation perfect Hail Ipsissimus one neophyte made a beautiful next” Whose Ipsissimus? Not this child, by a very long chalk. But the letter seems to allude to Betty Bickers [Betty Sheridan-Bickers], though the allusion is incorrect—particularly to-night when I have felled a giant tree with a Y like a Kteis which I am filling with fuel to formulate the flame therein, while I dance before the fire thereof, filled with the Elixir of Vision of the glory of . Yet the enthusiasm of the tone of your letter seems to leave little doubt. Please accept congratulations



P.S. I really don’t understand the letter at all. I suppose no signature means “Nemo” but also you take a new name e.g. Merlin, Baphomet, Mecurius or the like in the IX°. Do so. Submit selections to avoid duplication. But what’s “The higher formulas of the second half of the secret” ? ? ?


Well, I must sway to the preparation of my sacred Rite. But please write very fully and in the greatest detail and the plainest language. We cannot have misunderstandings on points of such importance.



P.P.S. What’s “a beautiful next”?


I had a glorious Rite, and marvellous dreams all night to follow. But my way is still very dark.



P.P.P.S. If it's Betty, remember the words of that wisest Chinese philosopher; you’ll need them. And tell her I very much want to see her, and will she write to me? in any case.


But look here, young feller me lad don’t lose your head over whatever it is.


Don’t write or wire too obscurely. The Censor’s a good sport, and mischief may accrue if I misunderstand. I know too well how I feel myself—with experience since the 26th dynasty in the West alone!—when my Lion gets a nice new Eagle to play with. It’s fine, but it’s dangerous, damned dangerous. I came precious near total shipwreck last year and this year too; and God knows what may be in store for me yet: In any case, love and paternal blessing, and—be on your guard, Sir Knight.


Also unto whatever shape Our Lady may have accursed Greeting and Remembrance


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally, in the Bonds of the Order


Θ [eleven-fold cross] Baphomet O.T.O.


