Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones








[5 July 1916]



M.H. M.I. M.I. and V.D. Bro


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your petition (of June 29th E.V.) duly received to-day. I suppose excess of woodcutting (with not even the Hon. Diana Villiers-Fotheryham-Jermyhham to assist)—has dulled what little intelligence I once possessed; but I cannot make out in the least what has happened.


To show you how I feel, your gilt-edged paper is almost identical with that on which a certain () of mine writes by the same mail—and I'm wondering if there's an explanation there!


Next, I do a Tarot on you and get the Lord of Victory well-dignified (by 7W and 3P) and with a girl of the B.B. type and a young Knight of Cups—don't know him. However, you're evidently all right. But please get down from this Samahdi soon, and write a report suited to my excellent grade! I want plain facts about the Lodge, as well as about you.


What are your plans? You have given up your B.C.E.R. work; have you a new job, or come into a fortune? If the latter, I most strongly advise your trying out your new automobile by coming here and spending a month or so. I'm all alone, trying to get some magick done.


I don't advise you throwing the still less the VII° about. You have a technical right to make a VII° of the first man you meet in the street, by merely saying so, but don't do it!


Do I understand that all are in good standing now and can afford it? Please remember that my own Grand Treasurer looks blackly on me over Vancouver!


The 3 IX°s. I imagine No. 1 refers to Our Lady Babalon.


No. 2 I don't understand at all.


No. 3—didn't know it needed proving!


For IX° title take the name of some famous brother of old time.


I should like to know how your Treasury stands; one can't confer without a proper temple. It's no good trying to work both grades till you got the low ones properly established: I've seen too much mischief through neglect of this.


So write soon, and write clearly.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order


[eleven-fold cross] Baphomet O.T.O.

Ireland Iona and all the Britains


