Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vanc. B.C.
11.20 A.M. July 6 1916
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I got your letter a couple of hours ago and hasten to reply; I am sorry there was so much obscurity.
If I may attempt to interpret the unintelligible telegram I should do so as follows.
"Operation Perfect" means that the Perfect is One Perfect not two perfects.
"Hail Ipsissimus" means Hail to Whoever holds or held that office.
"Ipsissimus One Neophyte" means that the Operation is Perfect and a new Cycle started.
"One (Achad) Neophyte made a beautiful Nest" means that a certain Neophyte during the course of the Operation made a beautiful nest in where the egg should be hatched. Beautiful Tiphereth or the Sun or Rose Croix implies the nest to be of a RC character composed of 5 with the sixth as a Centre and since the Sixth is nothing 5=6 or 6=5.
The initials divide the affair into two parts, the operation itself and the formation of the nest, at the same time they form two words one of which is ΘPHION and the other implies that "He lives in the Son".
With regard to a later wire addressed to The-Hill you will notice that the first three letters of ΘPHION are used and the first 4 of the name of your Beloved Sister, thus addressing them as the two aspects of the Sacred [illegible] the Home of the Gods.
Another wire mentions the V.C. This may be read as Victorious City, or the Cross Symbolism of the [illegible] may be exchanged for the indivisible point discovered by O.M. and referred to in Liber [illegible]. Other allusions work out on similar lines.
The letter would seem to imply that one staked his Magic Power and the right to use IX° [illegible] in its normal sense in an Initiation of [illegible] importance and for that purpose took on what that Master no longer needed, having proclaimed his intention of completing the last stage by the simple method of Not Doing IT.
Since things are all right there will no doubt be plenty of opportunity for experimenting with the IX° in the near future.
Have not met B[lessed]-B[rethren]—but will give them your message when I do. I think she is with Bro∴ S∴ B∴ in Los Angeles.
Must now get back to other work—took a few minutes of [illegible] to write this.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order,
Unus in Omnibus.