Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Frank Bennett
14 Glenisla Gds: Edinburgh
July 26th XII
Care Frater.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The enclosed letter, will you please hand to Bro. Dunn [Ernest Dunn] for whom I think it is intended with the following explanation?
You will notice that the envelope is addressed to V.J. Brodunn. At first I took this to be an error for a certain Bro. Braidwood, and then noticed that the word seemed to be capable of division into Bro/Dunn. I could not think of any Bro. Dunn till I remembered that a letter signed with that name passed through my hands lately—Before dispatching it, however, on a long journey, I decided that I had better open it to see the superscription inside—Alas! It is the same inside and I notice that furthermore there is no signature, and it is evident that by some error the letter was sent off by the typist without having it checked and signed. I received it 24th July and have held it till 27th in case there was any mention of it in the letter I usually receive on Thursday. None, however, so I have decided to send it on with an explanatory note of the circumstances, and of how the letter comes to be open—(I have not read it)—I have re-sealed it.
Saluting you, Fraternally—
George M. Cowie
I usually sign
F[iat]. P[ax]., simply (0º = 0o A∴A∴)