Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
The House of the Juggler [Adams Cottage]
[27 July 1916]
My Son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Before starting to answer your welcome letter, let me point out that I ought to have known that child; but—it's a worse father etc. For V.I.O. is clearly the Greek Root of ϓΙΟΣ Son!!! There's Qabalah for you!
I suppose the "L of L" was startling. So was Shelley, who is now read in Sunday Schools. Arm yourself against the [illegible] by being ready to show that the rich and the strong have always done as they pleased, and always will. Quote notorious cases in your own town. Also, show that great men have always been immoral—except me. Your only change is that you boast of what others hide, or try to.
You should make a record of all your activities, with the new pamphlets, and send to Dunn [Ernest Dunn], Windram [James Windram] and Cowie [George MacNie Cowie]. You should get into regular touch with Dawson, he's nearer to you than to any one else. Get him to do in Sydney, what you are doing here. One of his people is a woman preacher with some sect of her own, I believe. Some healing game.
You are bucking to get any one to listen in August, I should think. I anxiously, but confidently, await the report of the Meeting. Now, look here, don't take new members without cash in advance all the time. It's ruin to the whole movement if you do.
I don't it wise to follow O.T.O. meetings by a dance, except in high grades, and inner circles of such. when it can be a DANCE.
I haven't heard of Checkie's start; maybe he pussyfooted at the last.
I can send you all details of Masonic grades, if you'll remind me when I get to N.Y.
You should keep in close touch with the Coast. Keep writing to Mrs. Havens, who is very rich. Make Bickers [Horace Sheridan-Bickers] do something in L.A. Write to G. Bernard West L.A. Examiner who knows my work or some of it and try to get him interested. I should send him copies of pamphlets and try to get him to do a Sunday story. Sooner or later you'll get asked to S.[an] F.[rancisco] Once there, you can go ahead like steam. Train some one carefully to take your place.
The new pamphlets give a practical social scheme which is sure to interest rich people. Go to business men, big men, and ask them flat for $100,000. They will see that our movement offers a real chance of checking socialism, of which they are all mortally afraid. Soon or late you'll get one to fork out. Prime yourself by reading books on Socialism and so on. Our line is given fairly well in the letter to W.S.B. and in 'Thien Tao'.
Re Masons at meetings. Don't admit—they are 32°; prove them to be 3°. Exchange signs and F.P.O.F. then when they give their word, ask them "How do you know that is the right word?" We have the true word, which has been found again; and it's a word which proves itself to be true. So make him affiliate before you admit him to be 3° at all. After that it's easy if he is R.A., you can beat him again in the Word. If he affiliates to P.R.S. (=32°) make him give you everything and then say "Quite right!" Put the fear of God into him first. You saw how I acted to Bro Dawson! And I'm a timid bloke.
No more; I'm all on edge to-day, expecting Something to Happen. It's a new Chockmah-day for me, and I'm liable to have a Rhinoceros-Officer appear at any moment!
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
P.S. I want you to try out all these suggestions one by one. It's necessary, to put me wise to the dope.
I also think that as California is always talking of the "coming Christ" you should speak and write to the effect that he is come. Get out a brief account of your father's work, with the usual proofs from prophecy and miracle and that tosh, and show how the War works in, and all about the formulae of Isis (pagan) Osiris (Christian) and now Ours. The day of the Mother—of the Father—of the Child. In talking to people find out what they want, and prove to them that you can give it to them.
Especially train children. Teach Dede [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] to give the greetings to strangers, and so on.
Love to Dede, by the way, and to all.