Correspondence from Mary Davies to George MacNie Cowie
27 July. [1916]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Care Frater.
Many thanks for yours for the wire which helped us to get to work at once. Has H [Benjamin Charles Hammond] sent your papers to you? I really don't know id he is going to come in and help us S. L. [William Steff-Langston] wrote him days before our coming together for a Lodge of Instruction and considering he is only 3 minutes away he might have come but he did not. However something must be said if he doesn't, with only new people it's most desirous that at least 2 or 3 of the old brethren come, so as to preserve intact and exact our order of things. However the L[odge] O[f] Ins[truction] was properly held, we did Minerval and 1st degree. The Lodge is still waiting the reception of furniture etc. Althea [Althea Hobbs] keeps on worrying Mawers about the men and the removal, and I do hope it won't be long ere it is in working order.
Last week was a very big one in endeavour, and getting the new seekers to call and see S.L. I think he has been able to get in £20 or so and paid out a good deal also, gas and gas stoves and windows nice furnished, and the place looks really nice. Althea has paid the interest of the big pawn loan this week so now both are settled. She has money in hand from the sale of books. I have written Anna Wright again. If she is here it is strange she does not reply—and Mabyn Fay took V degree very little while before the break up. She should come and give a hand in working, but she is W[orshipful] M[aster] of the Emulation Lodge of Co-Masons. Best has affiliated and so has the Wolfe. Bests asks me to send you his greetings now as in the Bonds of the Order his address is C E Best 93 Wallwood Rd Leytonstone. E. I am sure he will prove a great help. I've asked him to call on the man who does Samahdi on the Train, 'Olney'. So he'll turn up soon I hope. I note what you say of Major Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] and Raffalovitch [George Raffalovich], I knew the latter from the rites if you are in communication tell them to call. I must wire you as soon as the first Holy Work begins in the Lodge, and I would like to note the aspect of the moment. What do you think of this inquiry—Lady Palmer of Biscuit fame came to ask if she couldn't have a lodge in her own house, and what would it cost etc. I told her to come in first and then we could inquire of the Council afterwards, but it does show that there are signs of good links, I wonder if there are any typed commentaries on Minerval. I asked Althea. I do know there were, but none seem to be in sight. S.L. is coming I think to stay the week end here at the flat next week and the Monday following we go to Brighton for 10 days, so it looks unlikely for work to begin till September in real earnest, so perhaps after all you will be our August guest both at Lodge and here. So M[ote] It Be. We all hope you are well and cultivating devotion for yourself Because if you get too giddy at 79 1/2 we shall not be able to keep you in the body till you are 97 3/4. I am studying Liber Legis and 418 [The Vision and the Voice], and find several points alluding.
Well dear Frater W and M both send Fraternal greetings and Love in the Holy Bonds of the Order.
Hail and Farewell.
Pentulo [?].