Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett
c/o Cooks Tourist Office, Broadway, New York City, N.Y.
[Written between 29-31 July 1916]
Very Illustrious Sir Knight & Very Dear Brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
We have letters of yours of May 15, 1916, E.V. and are glad to note the contents.
We understand that Our Grand Secr. General wrote you recently with regard to the possibility of our visiting you in person. We should be very glad if this can by any possibility be arranged because more can be done in a month face to face than in a lifetime of correspondence, especially at such a distance. We do not think it would be any expense to you in the long run, as there is a good deal to communicate which should be of actual material value to the Lodge.
It would be kind of you to cable your decision to the above address at once, as it is necessary to make plans for the future. We do not know if V[ery].H[oly]. V[ery].I[lluminated]. V[ery].I[llustrious]. Bro. Bathurst [Leila Waddell] suggested any scale of expenditure; but it is only a question of the bare cost of travelling and living. Even so, a portion might suffice. It would not have been suggested of all, but since the war, Our personal Treasury has been depleted.
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order.
[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet X° O.T.O. Ireland Iona and all of the Britains.