Correspondence from Frank Bennett to Aleister Crowley
O .T . O.
Brazilian Consulate General Sydney, N.S.W.
May 15th 1916.
Most Holy and Most Illustrious Brother,
I have your letter dated April 4th 1916 from New York City, and note that you have received my letter of the 27th January last with enclosure of a copy of a letter written to me to Very Illustrious Brother Yardley [L.B. Yardley] Sovereign Grand Secretary General for the Union of South Africa, and note that the suggestions made by me with respect to Very Illustrious Brother Ernest W. T. Dunn are left in the hands of Very Holy, Very Illuminated and Very Illustrious Brother Windram [James Windram] (Mecurius X°) Viceroy for the South African Union, and that you have no objection to the rank of Viceroy being conferred upon V. ILL. Bro. Dunn when his work justifies same. With respect to the degree that I suggested may be conferred upon him, it is only in fairness to V[ery]. ILL[ustrius]. Bro Dunn that I should inform you that on my mentioning it to him at the time he stated that he thought a lesser degree if any should be suggested, as he realized the great importance attached thereto. He is quite in accord that the matter in question should be entirely one of merit, and bows to any decision you may make, and trusts in his exalted position as acting Viceroy for Australasia to meet with your approbation.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order.
[Elevenfold Cross] Frank Bennett, VII° O.T.O. National Grand Secretary General For Australasia.
P.S. In regard to the question of our solving the secrets of the O.T.O. to enable us to do this it will be necessary for us to have the Rituals of same, and as we intend with you kind assistance to do this, would you be so good as to forward us a copy.
The Most Holy, Most Illuminated, and Most Illustrious Grand Mast[er] BAPHOMET X° O.T.O.