Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett




c/o Fifth Avenue Bank

New York City


April 4th 1916



Mr. Frank Bennett

c/o Brazilian Consulate General




Very Dear and Very Illustrious Brother—


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


We have your letter with the enclosure of your letter to the Very Illustrious Brother Yardley [L.B. Yardley]. We cannot in any way interfere with such arrangements as have been made by our Very Holy Very Illuminated and Very Illustrious Brother Windram [James Windram], our beloved Viceroy for the South African Union. We have no objection to conferring the rank of Viceroy upon our Very Illustrious Brother Dunn [Ernest Dunn], as soon as his work justifies it; but we think that results should be shown before this is done. But of course the real degree will depend entirely upon the question of whether he or any other Brother succeeds in solving the secrets of the O.T.O. from the hints offered in various rituals and instructions. It is our custom to confer honorary degrees for convenience of working up to about the V. But the real secrets confer real power of a most exalted type, and no consideration whatever but that indicated above weighs with us for a moment.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the bonds of the Order


[Elevenfold Cross] Baphomet O.T.O.

Ireland Iona and all of the Britains.



[A manuscript addition at the bottom of the page reads:]

No. 5816. Money order sent to Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Vancouver.


