Correspondence from Frank Bennett to L. B. Yardley



O .T . O.




c/o Brazilian Consulate General

For the Commonwealth of Australia

Sydney N.S.W.



August 3rd. 1916



Very Illustrious Brother Yardley VII°

Patriarch Grand Administrator General Sovereign

Grand Secretary General

South Africa Union



Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law


Dear Sir and Very Illustrious Brother.


Your letter dated the 28th June last has just reached us, the contents of which is noted.


SECTION CHARTER.—We note that this will be forwarded as soon as a question of procedure is settled, and that we may proceed with our work pending its arrival.


PATENTS:—Under separate cover we are returning to you Very Illustrious Brother Dunn [Ernest Dunn] and Very Illustrious Brother Cooper's Patents to affix the Grand Council's Seal.


TITLE OF VERY ILLUSTRIOUS BROTHER DUNN:—We note that Very Illustrious Brother Dunn may use the Magical Title MAXIMUS selected for him and he desires to convey his thanks and appreciation for the permission granted.


SEAL:—We not that all documents issued by this Grand Council should be sealed with the Common Seal of the Council bearing the words National Grand Council for Australasia O.T.O. MMM and in the centre a design peculiar to this Council. We thank you for your kind offer to suggest such a design, and will be glad if you will let us have same when next you write.


DIPLOMAS:—We note that we may issue our own Diplomas and other forms.


FEES:—We note that we may fix our own scale of fees for Initiation Subscriptions, and that Lodges under our jurisdiction should contribute a capitation Grant for the support of the Grand Council, as the Sovereign Sanctuary may call upon Grand Council to contribute to its support in like manner, but that as far as your Sovereign Grand Council is concerned you will not levy tribute upon this section, as you are acting for the Sovereign Sanctuary.


We note that we may until otherwise instructed continue to look upon your Sovereign Grand Council as the representative of the Sovereign Sanctuary, and that we may refer to you for any further advice of information we may require.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours in the Bonds of the Order


National Grand Master General and acting Viceroy for A'asia

National Grand Secretary.


