Correspondence from L. B. Yardley to Frank Bennett




O .T . O.





Innes Street, Observatory,




28th June 1916.



Frank Bennett Esq

National Grand Secretary

Brazilian Consulate General




Dear Sir, and Very Illustrious Brother,


“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”


I have to acknowledge receipt of your two letters of the 15th and 17th May last E.V. signed by yourself and the Very Illustrious National Grand Master General [Ernest Dunn] and am directed to reply as follows to your various points:—



SECTION CHARTER: We are settling a question of procedure in this matter and as soon as this has been dealt with the Charter will be forwarded. In the meantime do not hesitate to proceed with the work.


PATENTS. I very much regret to hear that certain of the Patents are not properly sealed and shall be glad if you will return the same at once in order that the omission may be rectified.


TITLE OF VERY ILLUSTRIOUS BROTHER DUNN. In this connection I beg to point out that it is nor strictly necessary for a Brother below the to assume an Official Magical Title. In view of the importance of Very Illustrious Brother Dunn’s position, the title selected by him is approved, but it must be used in his capacity of Acting Viceroy only.


SEAL’ All Documents issued by Your Grand Council should be sealed with the Common Seal of the Council. The Seal should bear the words “National Grand Council, Australia. O.T.O., MMM” In the centre there should be a design peculiar to your council. The Designs usually selected in this Order are derived from the Gnostic Gems, woodcut of which you may see in King’s Gnostics and Their Remains and other books. If, however, you cannot find a suitable design and you care to refer the matter back to me a suggested design will be recommended.


DIPLOMAS. Please note that you are a NATIONAL GRAND SECTION with Sovereign Rights and as long as you keep within the four corners of the Constitution and observe and uphold the landmarks you are at liberty to do as you please with regard to issuing Diplomas and other forms.


FEES. You should fix a scale of fees for Initiation Fees and Annual Subscriptions, preferably those set forth in the Green Pamphlet. You are however not tied to that but Lodges under your jurisdiction should contribute a Capitation Grant for the support of the Grand Council, this you can fix for yourselves. It may be that the Sovereign Sanctuary will call upon each Grand Council to contribute to its support in a like manner but so far as the Sovereign Grand Authority is concerned they have no wish to levy tribute on your Section as they are acting for the Sovereign Sanctuary. In this connection it may be as well to inform you that until otherwise instructed you may continue to look upon this Authority as the Representative of the Sovereign Sanctuary and any advice which you require in regard to procedure or any difficulties which may arise requiring settlement you may refer to this Authority.


“Love is the law, love under will.”


Yours in the Bonds of the Order





South Africa


