Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver B.C.
Aug 26th 1916 E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your two letters and Pamphlet on 'Death' safely to hand, for which many thanks.
Glad you like Parzival's letter to the R.C. Br[ethre]n. I enclose a revised copy, and will let you have others when I get the time to type them. As I am going back to work for a time, I shall not find it so easy to do all these little things. It is no doubt best however, as Bro. White [Howard White] got notice a day or so ago, and may be out of a job, had I not decided on the course I did, we should have all been in an awful mess, as there are various bills etc that must be settled, and he was helping with rent.
I shall keep my eye open for the right kind of man to help with finance, but there are few such here. We had already thought of the Community Scheme, I don't think time is quite ripe yet. Things are moving about as quickly as can be expected. Delay seems inevitable until the proper moment presents itself.
I suppose you know the poem quoted by Parzival on first page; if not, see copy enclosed. I also send a new family Game for the Winter evenings, suggested to a certain Bro. by one of your previous letters. If you ever come here, you might like to introduce it to the Brn.
Will send on papers to Bro. Dunn [Ernest Dunn]. I have sent you 50 printed Comments, 100 to Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], 80 to Windram [James Windram] and 50 to Dunn. They may as well be used up, since we have them on hand.
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Yours in the bonds of the Order,