Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Sep 3rd 1916. E.V.



My Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yes, that entry in your diary is of great interest to me. R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] noticed the fact that it was about nine months since you were here, and that caused us to notice that the Equinox was exactly that length of time before; of course I did not know that you had been carrying out a magical work on that date.


I don't know that any others exactly brought presents. K. [Katherine Talbot] did however give me a wild rose about that time, and soon after White gave me back a Symbol (ankh) I had given him on conditions that should he at any time feel he did not want to keep it, he should give it to whosoever he then recognized as his Master.


Yes, it is strange that V.I.O. should correspond with 'son' in the way you mention. I think anyone must admit the whole affair is quite extraordinary.


I will do all I can to follow out the various suggestions as opportunity arises, and will of course keep you in touch with all points as they arise. One of our Br[ethre]n has recently been transferred by the C.P.R. to Cranbrook. B.C. He will be useful to us there I think. I have just written to impress upon him the necessity of preaching all the time and sowing the seed.


I rather look forward to the time when it will be possible to have a go at 'Frisco. I intend, however, to be reasonably certain of enough to live on, before I break away from B.C.E.R. [B.C. Electric Railway] again. Too much material limitation is, as you once said, bad. On the other hand I could do with more time to devote to the Work.


Re M.S.S. By the epistle to Parzival, it is evident that you look for much from this child. Getting chucked back on Malkuth is no joke it seems. However, the Work has to be done, that's plain.


VIII°. M.S.S. This is most interesting and clears up much. What is said of the Neophyte, may account for the extraordinary opposition I had from R.S.J. for seven and a half years, and her frequent obsessions. Re Section X. Do you advise this work, for those who have the IX° method? Where can one get a copy of the Bagh-i-Muattar?


Do you advise experiments with elementals? Is the 'Book ye know of' the Equinox. Do you advise experiments alone, this I remember was my first idea, or something like it, mentioned to you at Hotel Vanc. I suppose the return of offering to Temple, means partaking of it as Sacrament?


Suppose one wants to put force into a talisman, or ring. What is the best method?


Is the first IX˚ M.S.S. you sent called AGAPE [Liber Agape Azoth sal Philosophorum]?


There are some missing sections of this still to come, are there not?


I will note all the remarks in the IX˚ Comment. and shall of course try to discover fresh truth as I go on experimenting.


I suppose the Sacrament can only be administered to the partner in the case of an Initiate. In that case, how? 69?


I think I shall adopt the suggested course of experiments. Tried I two nights ago, and again last night, with some success.


How do you define the difference between White and Black Magic.


I should very much like to have the History of the Temple etc of VI°, sometime.


De Homunculo. This is too complicated for me at present. It must be a very difficult thing to accomplish. Have you ever made a serious attempt at it?


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Your son,


P.S. Excuse scrappy form of letter.


P.P.S. Have written a note to Mrs Havens, but find it difficult to decide what to talk about.


P.P.P.S. Bro. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] wants me to ask you whether he can obtain a small copy of the V.S.L., either bound, or in sheets, and if so price.


I should very much like to have a portrait of Soror Hilarion [Jeanne Foster]. Will you greet her for me and mention this.


