Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



Sep 10th 1916 E.V.



To His Most Sacred Majesty Baphomet O.T.O.

Ireland, Iona and all the Britains.



M.H. M.I.M.I. and Very Dear Brother,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have now found time to make you three more copies of the un-official letter of Parzival to VI°'s. Have also sent copies for use of Windram [James Windram] and Dunn [Ernest Dunn].


There is little to report. We are passing through another rather 'passive' period. I am now practically certain that one of our Br[ethre]n. of the fair sex is doing harm by her apparently incurable habit of 'talking', She has been very good in some ways, but I have to admit that I am beginning to look upon her with a certain amount of distrust.


Please give me the formula of swift and silent method of suppression. I may need it.


Love is the Law, Love under Will.


Fraternally in the Bonds of the Order,


