Correspondence from George MacNie Cowie to Aleister Crowley




14 Glenisla Gardens, Edinburgh.



26 Oct 1916.



Care Frater.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


No letter from you this a.m. and I am now merely writing a preface to the usual collection of disjoined notes written at various odd times through the week. P[ost] C[ard] from Althea [Althea Hobbs] to say she has sent off the Book IV, 4 MS, and I've wired to her to send off the Anahalonium [Anhalonium Lewinii] papers etc as well.


Another note from Fra Psi [in Greek] yesterday, of no importance, and a letter from M.D. [Mary Davies] which I enclose just to let you see how well things are going. That about dear Brer Wolf is merely that I commented on how odd it was that H [Benjamin Charles Hammond] was so friendly after the strong feeling against him he expressed to me. I am glad that W is all right, but M.D. is so liable to overflow into sloppy sentiment and I even remember dear Sister Cremers [Vittoria Cremers]. I remain cautious. I am sending the Parzival epistle (my pounded out copy) to her today, keeping the original till I can get Althea to make copies. This is explained in the scraps. I've had about the fullest week yet, and have again no time for 'record'. Sunday I diverged and invoked the freat demon Silas-wegg. Result enclosed. Bad metre, but motif all right?


I had a note from W and W [Williamson & Watt] stating that Mrs B[rooke] was offering £2000 for Boleskine. I replied non-chalantly that I would not even trouble my colleagues with that offer, and that personally, I should not agree to it. If they make a form offer of not less that 3000, then I might cable. But I expect you'll not be eager. Ask 4000.


W and W will draw up a form of deed of gift for No. 14.[1]


I thought the enclosed (I hope) letter from Eustace Miles splendid. He's obviously interested keenly and I'm playing the fish for all I'm worth. He wrote most seriously.


You should get 200 copies of the L.B.K. [Lindley Keasbey] [The Law of Thelema] Epistle this or the next mail. I forgot to say that the proofs sent, in imperfect form, were uncorrected, being only for temporary use. The mistakes you would notice are corrected in the 8 page epistle. It looked so odd with merely the Epistle heading that I thought it well for appearance sake to add a title. In one sentence of the epistle, you suddenly relapse into the first person, making it clear that the writer is the Founder himself. This may have been an intentional slip, but I judged it better to alter it to the third person. There being no time to consult you, I must e'en use my best judgement and initiative. The final formula is correctly lettered.


I regard this pamphlet as the most useful for introducing the subject and making people interested enough to ask for the other tracts.


I duly had a note from Vancouver of the new Libri numerals and will attend. I was a little surprised at the duplicate of a letter to myself being inclosed but soon saw your object—to inform S.J. [Charles Stansfeld Jones] in a delicate way of the new rigours of the game. As you know I had the same thought—my letter was all right, but I'm writing again specially nicely this week and to S[outh] A[frica] too, I hope.


I am now sending Little Willie—my Williams typewriter to 93 [Regent Street] M.D. is obviously fed up with Althea and embarrassed how to get rid of her. I have therefore informed Althea that I want a new arrangement. I will resume her old retaining fee, plus 20/- more, £2 a month. She will occupy the little office (10 to 12.30) and attend O.T.O. work only, and do all the typewriting, copies etc that I require. It will work out quite as cheaply in the long run. Then she will attend to sales, and try to extend them, be free to go to the Depositary when things are wanted and so one. She's been precious little use of late, really. It makes a fresh hole in my monthly expenses, and will in effect reduce Epistles from Nairne [cash remittances], but next year the 93ers should be able to pay half her 'salary'. M.D. says she is paid quite a living wage for her afternoon work.


I've sent M.D. the Minerval and I degree 'lectures'. I was getting typed copies made on strong paper, but the person who undertook this has failed me and they can now be done by Althea. M.D. asks for II and III? Are there such? I don't remember any. We have the IV degree Mystical Lecture all right. If we had the V degree Ritual could not the three V's work it?


Mary enclosed a note from Dennes without any further information. I've said nothing about this matter as I assume she kept you informed. Personally I don't see why she went to Dennes at all, when she could do nothing. Means more 6/8ds.


I'd better sign this now and leave a space for p.s. before posting, if I have time or if I remember any omission of importance. By the way M.D. sent me a cutting from a Ha' penny newspaper. Some questionable spy sort of business in which a certain George Raffalovich is mixed up.


Letter from Braidwood, nothing. He has not managed the author's etc addresses yet. I think of H.G. Wells, Brodie Innes [J.W. Brodie-Innes], Rider Haggard etc. The Fire is beginning to attack the Wood and we are getting up Steam as well.


All good wishes.


Love is the law, love under will.






F[iat] P[ax].



1—[14 Glenisla Gardens. George Cowie's house, which presumably he was making over to the O.T.O. Gerald Yorke.]


