Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70. Vancouver. B.C.
December 3rd 1916 E.V.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Your brief note of November 15 E.V. came to hand some time ago, and I expect I shall shortly be getting an answer to mine of Nov 16th E.V. sent to Texas. I am sending this to New York, as I have heard nothing further about any change of address.
I have been busy all day sending out copies of the letter [The Law of Thelema] to Professor L.B.K. [Lindley Keasbey], of which I recently received a supply from Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie]. As an introductory letter, I like it better than any of the previous ones, and I intend to make a list of the best known people in the City, and forward each a copy, so that, even if I do not get a reply, there will be some opening for a personal visit later on.
I am glad to report an increased feeling of energy and a more hopeful outlook. Financially, things are much the same, but I am gradually getting things settled up, and although it means practically making a fresh start I shall endeavour to get hold of a different class of people in the future. Our numbers are very small now, but, thank God, harmonious. There had been a continued dispute between three of the B[lessed] b.[rethren] for some time, and this had become annoying to us all, so that I determined to put an end to the matter. This has now been done, as upon them declining to place the matter before the Grand Tribunal, they have been suspended for a period of six months to give them an opportunity to settle things themselves. This will probably teach them a much needed lesson.
Trusting to hear from you shortly,
Love is the Law, Love under Will.
Fraternally in the Bonds of the Order,