Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones








[26 December 1916]



Beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of Dec 3 and Dec 4.


Very sorry to hear bout Bro[ther] Mills [Thomas Mills]. Convey Our sympathy.


You have done right about the squabbling B[lessed] b[rethren]. Another time though, butt in earlier, at the first symptoms of trouble.


I am having Bro. Phelps' [Maurice Phelps] report analyzed; it is splendid. The platinum top to ring was a hinge and bolt pin, but it was a bit clumsy anyhow, though made extremely well.


N.O.X. signs.


Puer 6 = 5 sign is the God-form of Mentu


Pater 7 = 4 sign like the "student" in Eq[uino]x III.


Abyss sign (Puella) like the Venus de Medici, hands covering ϕ, whole attitude one of shambling modesty.


Babalon sign (Mulier) arms and legs spread.


8 = 3 sign (Mater) like Isis, left hand supporting imaginary child, right hand finding left-breast as if to suckle it.


The 6 = 5 sigh is the N


The 7 = 4 sigh is the O


Puella is a hesitation between


Babalon is the X


After giving it say N.O.X. Nox, the night of Pan!


Close with the 8 = 3 sign.


The main meaning is obvious.


I may go to Texas Jan 16 but it's not sure yet.


Write c/o Cook as before.


Love is the law, love under will.






