Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
An XIII. Sun in Aries. March 28th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Very many thanks for your two packets containing the Canon of the Mass [Gnostic Mass], and the insert to II°.
Re the latter, it was read to the Lodge last evening, and created a very good impression. It is certainly very fine, and makes me more and more long to see our Section running along proper lines and in a more complete manner. I have this evening made the copies as requested and they will be forwarded to Bros Cowie [George MacNie Cowie], Windram [James Windram] and Dunn [Ernest Dunn], by this mail.
Regarding the Mass. I have read this Ceremony through a good many times, it seems to be above criticism. You may ask me to say what I think, from a practical point of view. I think that some such Ceremony is vitally needed for public use every week, and that a course of that sort is possibly the very best means of getting the people to join our ranks. There is much in it which at first seems to make its public use impossible, such for instance as certain signs etc., but actually, I suppose one can do many things publicly, and without explanation, without really disclosing anything. If, on the other hand, it is intended for High Degree B[lessed] b[rethren] only, its scope becomes limited. In any case, it would need to be produced perfectly, and in suitable surroundings, and this is the great difficulty as far as I can see, although I notice that it has been so arranged that the Robes, and other necessary embellishments are as simple and few as possible.
I am much impressed with the great beauty and yet the simplicity of the whole ceremony. From the point of view of the Infinite, every point is so plain, and yet, that very fact may be the safeguard of its Secrets.
You give me no clue to the use for which you intend it. I think it would delight the heart of Brother White [Howard White], who is at heart a Ritualist and has always said that some such means is the way to appeal to people, and which does, as I think even our attempt at Rite of Isis proved.
Please instruct me in regard to this matter and in the meanwhile I shall meditate upon it and of course consider it as a Secret Ritual of the Order and keep it safe accordingly. I'd give a good deal, if I had anything to give, to see it produced as it should be.
Regarding the Vow of poverty in High Grades, can I do any differently from what I am at present doing in this respect?
Re paper on Liberty. I am glad that it meets with your approval for the required purpose. I am also glad to find, in one or two instances recently, that I have begun to comply with your requests before the written word has arrived. In this instance I had send off two reports on this subject a day before your letter was to hand, and was already using the paper in the way you wished. It had also been revised at the point you marked 'not clear'. This I think shows that I am getting tuned up a bit. On the other hand, certain things I have received from you, came in answer to unwritten desires.
It grows late, and I have worked hard this evening, and during day. There is a strain at Office I don't care about, it feels like a breaking up of old ties there before very long. There is no financial clearing in the sky as yet.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,