Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
An XIII. Sun in Aries. April 5th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for your letter giving the Word of the Equinox, which seems to be encouraging.
I must see what I can do to improve the paper on F. but in any case, the work was interesting and it has been good practice.
As to Clark [W.C. Clark], you have reproved me as I had reproved myself and I am duly chastened. It may be that the key to his fury lies in the fact that he did not discover anything in the letter part of the Oracle, for, (may I be forgiven) the letter 'A' was not dealt with though 'R' is the difference between Ape and Rape.
I think I have already acknowledged all documents by name, but they are as follows: Diary of Magus (continued), Ritual of VI°, Liber CXXIV, Equinox Ritual, Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae [Gnostic Mass], II° insert on the Government of the Order, together with various notes on the Qabalah. The above comprises all I have received since you went to Titusville.
I enclose a few more opinions collected by Bro. Phelps [Maurice Phelps], re "Freedom". They are not very encouraging, but useful. I hope to collect some myself in a day or so, but have been kept pretty busy.
Your letter re Frater N.E. [Nubem Eripiam—Wilfred Talbot Smith] I am writing to him along the lines you lay down. He will probably get a shock when he finds out the Record was sent on to you. He means well, that's something, for he came to me the other day, and asked for his record back, as he was ashamed of it, and thought of starting on another year all over again. The three months, should encourage him after that, but I bet it'll take him some time to get every word spelt correctly.
In order for you to obtain a clear and complete idea of the 'whole affair' you should have a detailed record from each of the Brethren concerned, and my own notes. I obtained a brief report from Sister Smith [Emily Talbot Smith], and from K. Talbot [Katherine Talbot] at the time, Sister R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] refused to write her experiences, which would have been of great value, and Bro. White [Howard White], though he took some notes, has been too slack to put them together, in spite of my requests. I enclose the two records mentioned, but I shall need them again when I come to making up my own account, so kindly return. They may be of interest, but some kind of key is necessary in order to make them intelligible.
As a rule you chide me with lack of variety in my choice of twat, and in truth I am not much of a ladies man; now you indicate that it is better left alone, and for my part that fifty years of experience still to be gained, seems a long time during which to wallow. I've got to solve the problem though, and I recognize that clearly, the trouble is I cannot get up much enthusiasm over any of the women about here, or entirely break up the limitations.
Re your questions. K. is Nem's [Emily Talbot Smith] daughter. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] is in love with her and I have still some desire towards her at times but have never had her. There was such an absurd affair in connection with the whole matter, owing to jealousy etc, particularly on the part of the women, that I have refrained from taking any active steps in that direction. I don’t know if S.[mith] has had her or not. She is changed, and not for the better, is less vital and robust and I feel there is something going wrong somewhere. Sister S. (Nem) has made things pretty bad for S. and has spread their affairs about to such an extent, that a great deal of harm was done to the movement, and it needed the greatest care to put things right again.
Re R.S.J. White was (or is) in love with her. We arranged the whole thing quietly, and the glamour was dispelled. He is now, I believe in mortal fear of his wife finding out, and consequently is not doing his true will. His wife was out of the deal, and too narrow to be squared. She is also much influenced by Clark. I am very fond of R.S.J. and think in spite of many faults and disadvantages, that she has more sterling qualities, than all the rest put together. Her past has given her an experience and insight which the others lack (And it was some past). She has overcome many failings since we have been together, and is at heart loyal to me, for we have been through many strange experiences together from which we have both learned much. I think however that if it becomes possible for us to be apart for a time, it will do us both good.
I received the enclosed letter from Sister Mary Davies [Mary Davies] the other day. They seem to have obtained excellent conditions in London Lodge. Please return after reading. There are some things I do not quite follow, but which will doubtless be clear to you. I am very sorry Brother Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] seems to be in distress. He said he was feeling better last time he wrote me.
You do not comment on the fact of our having some kind of premises for our work here. We had a small, but harmonious meeting last Sunday, and I look for a gradual improvement all round.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,