Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



July 30th 1917 E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Yours of 21st inst to hand. I am glad to hear of your new undertaking and wish you every success therein. It's a good thing you have got rid of the neuralgia and I hope to hear that you are in perfect health again in every way next time you write.


I haven't the slightest idea of how to obtain a position in New York, there are no Agencies in this City that I know of. Again the question arises as to how to get there and whether, on account of the likelihood of Conscription here, I could get through. I think I should have to give pretty good reasons in any case and be prepared to state some definite place I was going to; I don't think they are keen on people going over the line to look for a job. All the same, I should much like to be with you as I think without doubt more might be done if we were in closer touch with each other. It may be possible for you to advise me of a job of some sort should you hear of anything, you will probably be more in touch with the business world than formerly, and may see an opportunity to do something in the matter.


In the event of my remaining here indefinitely, I don’t quite see at present what is the best move re the Work. Things haven’t been much of a success lately, as you know, and I now find myself somewhat cut off from things in various ways. I'd like a good talk with you on all sorts of matters, but writing is not much use.


I've rather an interesting thing to tell you. I worked a IX° Op[eratio]n the other day to obtain new friends etc. The following day I got into touch with a man who has just arrived in City and is preaching a teaching of the Aquarian Age, a sort of jumbled mixture of Christianity and other things. Some of the things he said interested me rather and I took an opportunity of calling of him. I gave him very little information about myself or my views, but just let him talk most of the time. Before I left he had imparted to me quite clearly the first half of the IX˚ formula, and had promised to confide something further, which had been given him as the very highest teaching, later on. Whether he knows the complete formula, or has some other scheme in mind, I cannot tell for the moment, but it beats me how he got hold of as much knowledge as he evidently possesses, and why, if he realizes what he has got, he is messing about with the type of lectures he is giving. Of course it may be his way of trying to do good by giving out a milk and water diet to the great unwashed, its difficult enough to know the best way to work, as I find from experience. What do you make of it?


What do you think of Wells' new book 'God the Invisible King' Have you reviewed it or anything of that sort?


I shall look forward to the copy of the International, many thanks for putting me on the mailing list.


With fraternal Greetings.


Love is the law, love under will.


Your devoted son,


