The International: A Review of Two Worlds



The International was a New York based magazine owned and edited by George Sylvester Viereck that served as a pro-German outlet for propaganda during the first World War.


Up until the August 1917 issue Crowley was a part-time contributor of mainly political articles beginning in June 1915 with the publication of his article "The End of England." In August, Viereck appointed Crowley as editor of the magazine with a $20-per-week salary. In a manner similar to Crowley's periodical The  Equinox, Crowley would eventually become the main writer of the magazine's articles, publishing many of them under aliases. Crowley's editorship of the magazine continued through April 1918 issue.


In April the magazine was sold by Vierek to Professor Lindley Miller Keasbey (1867-1946), the former chair of the University of Texas Department of Economics and Political Science, who refused to include any of Crowley's work in any future issues. Keasby's editorship of The International began with the May 1918 issue which was also to be it's last.


Contributions by Crowley to The International consist of:


Article Title

Publication Date

The End of England

June 1915


The Blunders of Edward VII and How to Repair Them

July 1915


Lieutenant Finn's Promotion

August 1915


The Attitude of America to the War

September 1915


Appel Au Bon Sens Francais

October 1915

Billy Sunday

October 1915


The Chute

November 1915

Frank Harris' Great Book

November 1915


Sweet Reasonableness

December 1915


The Crime of Edith Cavell

January 1916


The American Verdict on the War

July 1916


A Noisy Noise Annoys an Oyster

December 1916


Percy Mackaye. An Appreciation So Far as Possible

February 1917


Sir Rabindranath Tagore

May 1917

A Death-Bed Repentance

May 1917


May 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

August 1917

The Editor Removes His Cigar

August 1917

Listen to the Bird Man!

August 1917


August 1917

The Revival of Magick

August 1917

The Gate of Knowledge

August 1917

An Open Letter to General White

August 1917

BalzacA Note

August 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

September 1917

Hello September!

September 1917

Simon Iff - Big Game

September 1917

The Purple Mandarin

September 1917

1066: A Study of the Ruling Classes of England

September 1917

Brain-Waves During the Heat-Wave

September 1917

The Revival of Magick - Part II

September 1917

Sinn Fein

September 1917

An Open Letter to the Leaders of the National Suffrage Movement

September 1917

The Gate of Knowledge

September 1917

Henrik Ibsen

September 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

October 1917

Glints of an October Opal

October 1917


October 1917

In the Red Room of Rose Croix

October 1917

Simon Iff - The Artistic Temperament

October 1917

A Perfect Pianissimo

October 1917

The Revival of Magick - Part III

October 1917

The Discovery of Gneugh-Ioughrck

October 1917


October 1917

Groans from the Padded Cell

October 1917

Love is One

October 1917

The Argument that Took the Wrong Turning

October 1917

The Burning of Melcarth

October 1917

The Spoils to the Strong! An Appeal to England and Germany

October 1917

Two Prose Poems

October 1917

The Gate of Knowledge

October 1917

The Ouija Board - A Note

October 1917

War Poetry

October 1917

Letter to the Editor

October 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

November 1917

The Editor Boosts the Next Number

November 1917

Humanity First

November 1917

Simon Iff - Outside the Bank's Routine

November 1917


November 1917

The Revival of Magick - Part IV

November 1917


November 1917

The Hearth

November 1917

The Rake's Progress

November 1917

How Horoscopes are Faked

November 1917

An Altered Circumstance [Introductory Letter Only]

November 1917

The Professor and the Plutocrat

November 1917

The Gate of Knowledge

November 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

December 1917

Forecast for the Month of January

December 1917

We Stand Above

December 1917

Simon Iff - The Conduct of John Briggs

December 1917

Concerning Death

December 1917

Pax Homnibus Bonae Voluntatis

December 1917

A Septennial

December 1917

Art and Clairvoyance

December 1917

Barnard's Lincoln Unvisited

December 1917

A Riddle

December 1917

Auguste Rodin

December 1917

The Gate of Knowledge

December 1917

More War Poetry

December 1917


The International (Full Issue Scan)

January 1918

February Fill-Dykes

January 1918

England Speaks

January 1918

Simon Iff - Not Good Enough

January 1918


January 1918

A Poetry Society—In Madagascar?

January 1918

The Heart of Holy Russia

January 1918

Love Lies Bleeding

January 1918

The Conversion of Austin Harrison

January 1918

The God of Ibreez

January 1918

The Message of the Master Therion

January 1918

The Law of Liberty

January 1918

Geomancy. By One Who Uses It Daily.

January 1918


January 1918

The Gate of Knowledge

January 1918


The International (Full Issue Scan)

February 1918

Jugging the March Hare

February 1918

Wanted—Moderate Men

February 1918

Simon Iff - Ineligible

February 1918

De Thaumaturgia

February 1918

The Mass of St. Secaire

February 1918

A Poem

February 1918

AbsintheThe Green Goddess

February 1918

At the Feet of Our Lady of Darkness

February 1918

The Priestess of the Graal

February 1918

The Third Liberty Loan

February 1918

Love and Laughter

February 1918

Four Poems

February 1918

Book Reviews

February 1918


The International (Full Issue Scan)

March 1918

April Showers of Amusement

March 1918

A Hymn for the American People

March 1918

Good Hunting

March 1918

Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae

March 1918

The Saviour

March 1918

Elder Eel

March 1918


March 1918

The Gods

March 1918

Love and Time

March 1918

The Bonds of Marriage

March 1918


The International (Full Issue Scan)

April 1918

To our Readers

April 1918

The King of the Wood

April 1918

Le Sacrament

April 1918

Robbing Miss Horniman

April 1918

The Old Man of the Peepul-Tree

April 1918

The Ideal Idol

April 1918

A Sonnet

April 1918


April 1918

The Scarabee

April 1918

Drama Be Damned!

April 1918


