(From Baudelaire [Charles Baudelaire]) [Translated by Aleister Crowley]


Published in the International

New York, New York, U.S.A.

November 1917

(page 333)



Most dear, most fair, Hilarion,

That fillst mine heart with light and glee,

Angel, immortal eidolon,

All hail in immortality!


She permeates my life like air

Intoxicated with its brine,

And to my thirsty soul doth bear

Deep draughts of the eternal wine.


Exhaustless censer that makes sly

The air of some dim-lit recess,

Censer that smoulders secretly

To fill the night with wantonness,


Love incorruptible, my works

Are void; thy truth is over art.

Musk-grain invisible that lurks

In mine eternity's inmost heart!


Most pure. most fair, Hilarion,

That fillst my life with health and glee,

Angel, immortal eidolon,

All hail in immortality!