By John Roberts [Aleister Crowley]


Published in the International

New York, New York, U.S.A.

March 1918

(page 87)



The aeons, assembling

About and above

Thy tender trembling

Lips a-twitter with love,

In solemn session

Announce and acclaim

The perfect possession—

Peace, a passion aflame!


The spring, unfolding

Blossom and bud,

Revels, beholding

Blushes—bowers of blood!

Beauty assurgent

Under the whips

Of ardent and urgent

Lovers, lyrical lips!


The summer, upleaping,

Thrills with our mirth,

Royally reaping

Joy, oh, joy, to the earth!

All that was mine is

Thine at a nod. . . .

Deep in the shrine is

Holy, hidden, the God.


Autumn, assuring

Earth of her fruit,

Mellows, maturing

Love on lordlier lute.

Thou that wast maiden,

Thou that art wife,

Wake! thou art laden

Now with treasure of life!


Winter, congealing

The life of the year,

Smiles for us, sealing

Sure the soul of our sphere.

Girdled and crowned with

Love, we are shod

With songs that resound with

Harps whose measure is God.


The aeons, assembling

About and above

Thy tender trembling

Lips a-twitter with love,

In solemn session

Announce and acclaim

The perfect possession—

Peace, a passion aflame!