A Dramatic Miniature.



Published in the International

New York, New York, U.S.A.

March 1918

(page 85)



I came beneath the holy hill

Where jets the spring of Life-in-Youth,

Upon its summit flowers still

The golden rose of Love-in-Truth.

My lips, that desert suns devoured,

Were moist and merry at the draught;

And in that dew of sunlight showered

I stood and shook myself, and laughed.

Lightly I lept upon the slope

To gain the golden rose above;

Outpacing faith, outsoaring hope,

I had no rival left but love . . . .

Mine arms are stretched to North and South,

A scarlet cross, a soldier sun;

The rose is music on my mouth,

Holiness to Hilarion!

I mark the bounds of space and time;

I suck salvation from the sod;

I point the way for man to climb

Up to his consummation, God.