Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Louis Umfreville Wilkinson




[On the letterhead of The International]

1123 Broadway,

New York City



July 31, 1917



Dr. Louis U. Wilkinson.

10 Davis Place,

Rockaway Beach, N.Y.



Sehr Geerhrter Herr:—


I am sending you Tolstoi’s Journal with a note in the front with regard to reviewing it.


I also want you to write us some letters about that plea for better morals. It would be rather amusing to have an indignant letter from a Mr. Wilkinson, who was a clergyman, protesting against this personal attack, Doubtless other ideas will occur to you. They would to me, if I had a sea to bathe in.


We are sending you copies of your article with request for comment  to Mrs. Humiston and various other authorities on the subject which is nearest our hearts.


Yours ever,




