Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
August 22nd 1917 E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Many thanks for your letter of the 10th inst. The "International" also came to hand safely, and has given us great pleasure. I shall look forward to the next number and hope nothing will interfere with its delivery.
I have seen nothing more of the man I mentioned, so have had no opportunity of discovering what his complete formula may be. By the manner in which he spoke, I should not think there was any sense of sin in this particular direction in his own case, though it is possible that he would not recognize the value of change of diet. I only surmise this however.
Talking of the sense of sin, the co-act seems entirely free from this restriction as far as I'm concerned, whereas, on the other hand, on the very few occasions when I used what I may term the single-handed method (my first formula) there has been, if not a sense of sin, at any rate a slight feeling of revulsion afterwards, not present in the other. I have noticed rather a curious coincidence though, following the two recorded experiments on those lines. Op[eratio]n Lxxiv. Aug 5th 1917. After concentration on Our Lady Nuit etc. A complete change of weather occurred, from warm and fine to cold and damp, with considerable rain, clearing again on the following evening. And Op[eratio]n XIV undertaken on Aug 31. 1916. in same manner, unto Our Lady record shows "slept rather heavily, but am told that in early morning a very peculiar thunderstorm occurred, thunder seemed right down on ground, weather changed to rain, but cleared at end of day" Do you know of a reason why this type of practice undertaken as stated should affect the weather conditions? Or was it merely coincidence?
Do you know Charles Lazenby? He has been here recently, lecturing for the T.[heosophical] S.[ociety]. In many ways he seems to broad to be mixed up with that outfit. His lectures were a good deal more interesting than the usual T.S. stuff. At his lecture on "Magic" someone sent up a question re the A∴A∴, his reply, as nearly as I can remember, is enclosed. The next evening, I was also present, and one of our "well-wishers" must have told him that he had left too good an impression on the minds of those present the previous night, for he mentioned the matter again saying: In answering a question last evening I mentioned a very great Occultist, and I seem to have left a wrong impression on the minds of some persons present. I did not say he was a leader in the Great White Lodge, or even a Member. What I did say was that he was the embodiment of evil. Whether he is White or Black I don’t know, or what he will do with the evil, but I certainly did not state that he was a member of the White Lodge"
I do not know if these remarks will be of interest to you, (but in any case under III° Obligation I am bound to report them), in the Light of what I experienced on June 22, 23, 24 of last year, some of his remarks were very interesting to me. I should like to ask you several things in regard to this Mystery, but I suppose they must wait till we meet.
I have just had a letter from Bro. Cowie [George MacNie Cowie]. He mentions some suggestions he made in a recent letter to you, and says that you will doubtless have forwarded letter to me. I shall be glad to hear anything that will clear up matters re O.T.O. and trust it will be possible for the English B[lessed] b[rethren] to get to work again soon. Please let me know all you can.
You have not replied re Johanson. He appears to have got to Vancouver but was turned back by the Immigration Officers, for some reason. I am taking the matter up with the Consul here, but await report.
The M.S.S. of "The Gospel according to Saint B. S. [Gospel According to St. Bernard Shaw]" is just to hand. It is really very good of you to send it on, and I shall enjoy reading it I know, and return it in due course.
I don't think there is much more to be said just now, have been very rushed at the office lately and am dead-tired.
Love is the law, love under will.
Your devoted son,
P.S. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] would like a copy of the "International", will you please give orders for it to be sent to him each month.