Correspondence from James Windram to Charles Stansfeld Jones
"Baynards," Innes Street, Observatory, Johannesburg Telephone 1229 Yeoville
26th. Augt. 1917, E.V.
To His Excellency Sir Stansfeld Jones X° O.T.O. Box 70, Vancouver
Very Illustrious and Very Dear Brother,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated Sol in Aries, Anno XIII, together with the address for the II°, for which please accept my thanks.
I trust that matters are proceeding smoothly and satisfactorily in your Province. We have had some difficulty in South Africa, one of our contributaries being the misfortunes of the London Lodge, which we who know very much deplore. Furthermore the Swiss Manifesto was not well received in our Province. In fact it became necessary for us to reply in the form of a Manifesto from this Grand Administration. I am enclosing a copy herewith.
With fraternal wished for your Illustrious self, the B[lessed] B[rethren] of your Province and the welfare of the Order in Vancouver,
Love is the law, love under will.
Believe me,
Yours fraternally
James Windram
[Eleven-fold Cross] Mercurius X°