Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70.

Vancouver. B.C.



September 9th 1917 E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have just found enough energy to type out another section of the Record of V.I.O. which I enclose together with a portion I wrote up some time ago, of which no copy was sent to you. I shall be glad to hear if same is satisfactory.


Will the first Number of Eq[uinox] Vol III appear on March 21st 1918?


There's not much news at present, but I have enjoyed the International very much, which came to hand safely.


There was one little occurrence noted in diary yesterday about which I should like to ask your opinion.


Sep 8. I have to record that an involuntary emission took place last night. Was this caused through the P.Y. of the last few days? The dream was very vivid. It started quite suddenly by the appearance of a woman, quite unknown to me, lying in rather a seductive attitude. I leant over and kissed her, when she immediately put her tongue in my mouth. Without a moments hesitation I mounted her and gave her a good charge of S[emen]. A moment afterwards I realized that I had been fooled, it was a dream, but too late. I have noticed on one or two other occasions in the past year when this thing has been likely to occur, I have been able to discover the fact of it being a dream just in time to stop the loss by a strong effort of will. This time however it was not so, but it can't be helped. I wonder if these things are caused by an elemental, or whether they are just ordinary dreams?


N.B. It has just occurred to me to make a further note re the above. I did P.Y. [Pranayama] last night quite near to a vessel containing blood and urine, which I had carelessly omitted to remove from the room. Did the presence of this blood, affect the atmosphere inhaled during P.Y. and cause the occurrence last night???


I have never made any experiments with blood, and should like your opinion on this point.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,


