Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
Post Office Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
September 28th 1917 E.V.
Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I have received the 'proof' or your reply to Mr. Lazenby [Charles Lazenby], and think the answer should prove very effective.
I thought I might have had a line from you in answer to mine enclosing section of V.I.O. Record, and giving Word of the Equinox. I expect you are very busy though. Please accept my Equinoxal Greetings.
A few of us have been making a study of the Bernard Shaw Article, and find it very interesting. We meet twice a week and get through as much as possible as a sitting, but there will have to be several more readings before we complete it. Unfortunately there are so few I this City that appreciate anything but trash, to get together anything like a crowd seems well nigh an impossibility.
Since I seem destined to stick in this place I am making one more effort to arouse attention, this time it is my intention if possible to make use of the Sunday Special of the Sun for that purpose. I thought at first to try and write a Series of Brief articles on the different Eastern Religions etc. but afterwards wondered if any good would come of a Series on "Know Thyself" embodying as far as possible things I know something of from experience, and also affording an opportunity for getting your reply to Lazenby in the papers, either in the immediate future or when he comes to this City in November.
I wrote the first of these, which I enclose, and sallied forth to beard the Editor in his den. I think I impressed him quite a bit, but he is not entirely converted. However he asked to see any further articles I wrote in the Series, and also promised to print any reports of lectures etc. I turned in. I wrote to him today, answering his main objections fairly well—I think—and also enclose you a copy of the letter. What will be the outcome, I cannot say, but if we can get the thin end of the wedge in somehow, I think it might lead to bigger things.
Please let me know what you think of this scheme before it goes too far and if I have your approval.
I am just taking my long delayed 'holiday' which accounts for my new activities. I really don’t get much time after the days grind at the office, and am sorry to say my eyes have troubled me. I have been to a specialist however and had some new glasses made, but he says I must cut not night work as much as possible. I am afraid I shall not find it convenient to be very obedient in that respect as things go.
Well, there's little other news, except, by the way, Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] has not received the International, can you find out if it was sent off, because, if so, it looks as if it was stopped somewhere.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son,