Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Post Office Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



October 21. '17 E.V.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I was very glad to get yours of the 8th inst. clearing up the point re the AA Your explanation arouses some interesting speculations in regard to the apparent duality of the Name as usually written. Is the formula of Al Qahar implied in this; as the means of attainment? Is this implied by the peculiar clothing of the Fool? Is this why the Wand must be transmitted and why the Alchemists talk of burying the gold in a certain substance? Was the Paris Working along these lines?


I can understand when you say that part of the pentagram is like the barb of an arrow, but it seems to me that two A's do not make up a complete pentagram if fitted together. An ascending and descending arrow barb exactly formulate the unicursal Hexagram, which you said was extremely evil. Is there a mystery implied in this?


Regarding my own theory as to the meaning of these letters, it struck me that AHIH being the Grand Work of Kether, and ADNI of Malkuth it was very significant that in pronouncing the words "A and A" in a certain way (viz A-ee and A-ee) almost a precisely similar sound is produced to AHIH ADNI. Thus the name of the Order affirmed the identity of Kether and Malkuth and also I AM ADONAI as the complete union with the H.G.A. [Holy Guardian Angel] Also this might explain of 86 being that of Elohim (mas. plur. of fem. sing.) I thought might explain why the Brothers of AA were Women and the Aspirants to AA men. I generally seem to make a muddle of these things, however, but since you have now given me the true meaning, my speculations have led to the desired result after all.


I am striving very hard to obtain a precise and clear understanding of all these things and am, I think, gradually succeeding. It seems however that I am getting rather cut off from ordinary things, I think my presence repels rather than attracts people as a rule; there seems to be a barrier preventing the flow of influence through me to others because of some intermediate vehicle that wants to be developed. I don't know if I am making my meaning clear, but I think you will understand. I've got, it seems to find a means of contacting people at their own level. Again, by saying a good deal less, I seem to have worked up a good deal of force. For instance, I spotted a woman I thought might be made useful in O.T.O. work (or rather MMM) because she is getting a little following of her own. I thought it would be less waste of energy to manipulate her little crowd through her, than singly, but waited to see if she herself was likely to be made of the right material. I have told her nothing whatever of O.T.O. or M.M.M. yet she told me last night that I had a tremendous power, and that since meeting me all her affairs of life had been stirred up and twisted round in a most extraordinary way. She said the force which came from me was quite an impersonal one, but it seemed to have the effect of arousing all the latent things in people and leaving them to work out all kinds of problems for themselves. This seems to a certain extent true, I do seem to have stirred up a few people round here, and it seems like a make or break kind of influence. Is it up to me to solve their problems for them? I can hardly think so. It seems to me they cannot be solved except by themselves and by means of hard work.


Now I want to mention another matter. Re your article on the Ouija Board. I saw in this a chance perhaps to get some of the people who want phenomena to work along better lines, and eventually become useful. I had never used one of these boards, so thought I would get one and experiment. On the 17th I did so. Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith] and K. [Katherine Talbot] came over to supper and afterwards Smith had to go to a Class, leaving K, R.S.J. [Rubina Stansfeld Jones] and I together. We all talked for a time quite seriously, and during the conversation R.S.J. remarked that she had been experiencing a sort of soul-ache for a long time and the one thing she wanted was peace. K. had been taking up a very material attitude, sort of " 'I am I' and to hell with the other fellow" if I may so put it. The Ouija board was mentioned and the advisability of making an experiment discussed. We decided to Invoke Raphael, whose hour of the day it then was, and not to ask any personal questions, but rather to await any advice that should be good for us. It was not possible to do things in elaborate Ceremonial fashion under the circumstances, so we placed three chairs together in the centre of the Room and I then went round performing the L.B.R. of Pentagram, and the Inv Hexagram of Mercury. Then in centre I invoked Raphael by the Divine names to be present in our midst and to communicate whatsoever was for our own good by means of the Ouija Board. K and I sat opposite each other with Board, and R.S.J. recorded. The result was a long string of letters from which we could obtain no meaning at all, except in one part A QUESTION and JOIN A ON A.C. We then tried with closed eyes getting V.V.V.V.V. followed by other unintelligible letters, and 'Good-bye' This was not satisfactory, so someone suggested that we change places. R.S.J. and I taking board and K, recording. We did so. I then asked 'Have we failed through lack of concentration? Answer NO. Then: VERY JOKNRLRJN. Then we asked something and got SURE U.R. QUITE followed by PMQJRJRJRLRJPKQKMFSTDORYSJNMQXPIZJPQK etc. I then asked "What language are you using? EPLIS. Is that meant for English? SUE SURE. R.S.J. then said I don’t think much of your English anyway. VERY RUDE.


R.S.J. said: I'm very sorry, I did not mean to be rude. I said why apologize, if we cannot get more sense than this there must be something wrong with the intelligence. Next: HURRY UP. LOVE IS THE LAW. LOVE IS URWRK OKRKRJRJRJ HUERRLY LOVE THE LPVRJ. TIRED. R.S.J. Then said You're right I am tired. TIRED. MERRY CHRISTMAS. This made me a bit tired so I said "What is the name of the Spirit writing. RAPHAEL. Why do you go on like this? BECAUSE LOVE IS THE LAW LOVE UNDER WILL. J. U. WILL QUESTIO I did. What proof can you give of your identity? SULQURR (? Sulphur) IH U REMEMBER KOFSIRKQFVI QUEGTUIR E S J SOON. Ruby questions: Shall we be in Vancouver this time next year? EASTER DAY THE RUBY PASSES AWAY FOR EVER RUPUPUQU (I cannot describe the strain that came upon us at this unexpected answer, we poo-pood it) JEST NOT U REST QUIET DUPES GO FAR OST MOTHER RUBY PLEASE WITH A LITTLE BABY. BABY BOY. QUESTION. R.S.J. asked what do you mean by passes away? THPE RUBY DIES. 1 QUSSTION A BOY A BOY A BOY A BOY O DO BE QUIET. (K. is pregnant, I believe she was butting in with a mental question) THE RUBY DIES FOR EVER, FOR AND EOPEPERATION. QUESTION. Does this mean J is to question? YES. I concentrated for a time and then once more asked Who is speaking? RAPHAEL. Then give me a numerical proof. 333.


That settled it, and I got busy and banished with considerable vigor. I can tell you it created a pretty nasty feeling around, and poor R.S.J. is having a hard job to banish it from her mind. What do you make of it? If the pointer had been a fraction more to the left for the last two figures it would, as I afterwards discovered have been 322 the Numeration of Raphael in English spelling. There certainly was an extraordinary force around and I shall not forget it in a hurry.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,


