Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





P.O. Box 70

Vancouver. B.C.



January 5th 1918 E.V.

An XIII. Sol in Capricornus.



My Beloved Father,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


You may have wondered what has been happening and why I have made no attempt to visit N.[ew] Y.[ork] I am glad to say that things have been going very well indeed so far, but I found that it was quite unnecessary for me to undertake the journey just now, in fact, there is still much to be done here, even had I been prepared to come. I wired you on December 24th re another matter but it was undelivered and a message returned to say 'not known at that address' I evidently did not address it fully enough, but They knew best as the message was unnecessary anyway. I only got the matter cleared up with the telegraph Coy to-day, or would have written before. I was at first under the impression that what I received was an answer from you, and as it was lost under peculiar circumstances I was unable to check it up properly. You doubtless received my notes written while the Initiation was going on, everything seems to have worked out all right this time. It's no use to try and write things fully just yet but I'll try and get a lot down in the Record for Equinox. Meanwhile I will indicate the main points, or a few of them, so that you may know how things are. This event seems to be the completion of the Initiation of June 1916 and was very full and complete. I got to understand all the Rituals within which the mind had been stocked and the complete scheme of the Universe on the New Lines was presented to me in a series of visions. I then began working on heliocentric lines and fixed up the elements and planets. Re Tree of Life I finally fixed up Aleph and Shin and then the whole mind broke up. It was re formulated on a centr [illegible] nt (Hadit) and now works concentrically. I was taken back to the begi [illegible] the alphabets etc until they were all balanced and reversed and wor[illegible] backwards or forwards from the source. The Tree of Life seems to have resolved itself into a single sphere as the Logos. I was shown all the old schemes of Plantagenet and Tudor Magick and obtained an understanding of the succession of Kings and popes. I also say the necessity of these being one such as Edward the Confessor. The Ritual I wrote for Our Lady Nuit worked well. Also Liber XXVII and 813 worked out in detail, in fact it is impossible for me to give any complete idea as yet of the whole thing, it will probably be months before I can get it all through in detail for recording.


In addition to this the whole series of 92. IX° Op[eratio]ns. seem to be working out at once. You know I have never obtained any very marked results before but they have evidently been storing up and will now no doubt be seen to be a very complete series. These must of course be typed out and possibly sent to Windram [James Windram] later on.


I am glad to feel that the old Hebraic System is definitely at an end and the New Aeon is really established. Of this I have no doubt at all. Of course 'success is thy only proof' and I don't want to talk prematurely, but for one thing I have found my true Will and Purpose here and the Way is open. I have received most definite proof that the Masters are guiding the whole thing and also that I am recognized.


I have just heard from Bro. C. [George MacNie Cowie] in Edinburgh. He has told me much and I realize what a lot there is to be done to put things straight over there. I have no doubt whatever that all will be well though and am quite prepared to do my bit. Again since this event we have been presented with an excellent Profess-House and ground out here, also I have my brothers affairs to amini[text missing] im. He is still very interested and I have every hope he will take up [illegible] m—N.[ew] Z.[ealand]. He is an architect, as you know, and may be very useful in [illegible] of drawings and plans for some bigger place as G.L. [Grand Lodge] of Canada elsewhere. There is still a fair chance of getting that big crowd of people for a new, Blue Lodge, and also a possibility—though on this point I retain the true AA skepticism—of the gold.


You will see from all this that there is really a chance of things looking up, if properly looked after, and as I am also feeling perfectly clear-headed and business like I think that will be all right. You know anyway that I shall do the best I can, even if left alone for a time.


I have nothing more to say at this time, I have a reason for waiting to see if my correspondence continues to run properly.


If you have finished with that die of the Seal I shall be glad of its return as we shall soon need fresh paper here.


With every good wish for the coming year


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy son,



P.S. The first O.T.O. baby [Noel Talbot-Smith, the son of Wilfred T. Smith and his step-daughter Katherine Talbot.] was born at North Vanc[ouver]. on December 24th at 5 hrs 39 mins 40 secs A.M. He is already a wonder child being able to crawl on a table alone. He has the true force and fire in him and as he received his material body from his father and also is a spiritual child of thy son's he may have Harpocrates hidden within him. In any case there is little doubt he will be extraordinary and may fulfill the hopes of the [illegible]ations. This was what I wired about on 24th.


