Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 70 Vancouver. B.C.
January 10th 1918 E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
For once I want to write on a few little matters of a purely business character. Some time ago I presented my copy of Collected Works to one of my Sisters, I possess a clean copy (Number 23) of 'Aceldama'; and an uncut copy of 'Jezebel'; as these are both in all probability out of print I am wondering if there would be an opportunity of trading in some way for an Illustrated copy of Collected Works. I am prepared to pay any reasonable difference.
I should also like to know if 'Aha' and 'Sir Palamedes' in separate form are in stock at New York, and price, if so. Also whether Book 4 Parts I and II are still obtainable there.
I understand from Bro. C [George MacNie Cowie] that there is a matter of some Eight Pounds from a Mr. Bennett [Frank Bennett] that may be forwarded to me here. This is not yet to hand, but will remit on arrival. It was in payment for books.
Things are quite O.K. here, but am leaving matters till I have a reply to my last letter.
With every good wish.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy son,
P.S. I had a reply from Clarke in Alaska. He said he had ordered 'Goetia' and 777. Have heard nothing from the lady in California—Amy Dudley.