Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Edwin Markham
January 14, 1918
Mr. Edwin Markham, 92 Waters Avenue, West New Brighton, N.Y.
Share mate, [Crowley’s handwriting over typewritten text: “Cher maître,”]
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
It has been very remiss of me not to write to you for so long. I have had a spell of creative work (of sorts) which has been keeping me divorced from my pajamas. You were kind enough to promise me a poem for the “International” and if you have one handy, I should really be very grateful to you if you would send it along.
If you have finished reading my “Equinox #7”, I should be very glad if you would let me have it back as I have for some time, promised to lend that particular volume to somebody else who is interested in the subject.
Love is the law, love under will!
With every best wish, I am,
Yours ever,
Aleister Crowley